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Landscapes and landforms of Italy / Ландшафты и формы рельефа Италии
1 Introduction to the Landscapes and Landforms of Italy Mauro Soldati and Mauro Marchetti
Part I Physical Environment
2 The Great Diversity of Italian Landscapes and Landforms: Their Origin and Human Imprint Mauro Marchetti, Mauro Soldati, and Vittoria Vandelli
3 Outline of the Geology of Italy Alfonso Bosellini
4 The Climate of Italy Simona Fratianni and Fiorella Acquaotta
5 Morphological Regions of Italy Paola Fredi and Elvidio Lupia Palmieri
Part II Landscapes and Landforms
6 The Glaciers of the Valle d’Aosta and Piemonte Regions: Records of Present and Past Environmental and Climate Changes Marco Giardino, Giovanni Mortara, and Marta Chiarle
7 Landscapes of Northern Lombardy: From the Glacial Scenery of Upper Valtellina to the Prealpine Lacustrine Environment of Lake Como Irene Bollati, Manuela Pelfini, and Claudio Smiraglia
8 The Adamello-Presanella and Brenta Massifs, Central Alps: Contrasting High-Mountain Landscapes and Landforms Alberto Carton and Carlo Baroni
9 Large Ancient Landslides in Trentino, Northeastern Alps, as Evidence of Postglacial Dynamics Alberto Carton
10 The Dolomite Landscape of the Alta Badia (Northeastern Alps): A Remarkable Record of Geological and Geomorphological History Mauro Marchetti, Alessandro Ghinoi, and Mauro Soldati
11 The Vajont Valley (Eastern Alps): A Complex Landscape Deeply Marked by Landsliding Alessandro Pasuto
12 Karst Landforms in Friuli Venezia Giulia: From Alpine to Coastal Karst Franco Cucchi and Furio Finocchiaro
13 The Tagliamento River: The Fluvial Landscape and Long-Term Evolution of a Large Alpine Braided River Nicola Surian and Alessandro Fontana
14 Lake Garda: An Outstanding Archive of Quaternary Geomorphological Evolution Carlo Baroni
15 Geomorphological Processes and Landscape Evolution of the Lagoon of Venice Aldino Bondesan
16 The Po Delta Region: Depositional Evolution, Climate Change and Human Intervention Through the Last 5000 Years Marco Stefani
17 Landscapes and Landforms Driven by Geological Structures in the Northwestern Apennines Luisa Pellegrini and Pier Luigi Vercesi
18 Fingerprints of Large-Scale Landslides in the Landscape of the Emilia Apennines Giovanni Bertolini, Alessandro Corsini, and Claudio Tellini
19 Mud Volcanoes in the Emilia-Romagna Apennines: Small Landforms of Outstanding Scenic and Scientific Value Doriano Castaldini and Paola Coratza
20 The Outstanding Terraced Landscape of the Cinque Terre Coastal Slopes (Eastern Liguria) Pierluigi Brandolini
21 Tuscany Hills and Valleys: Uplift, Exhumation, Valley Downcutting and Relict Landforms Mauro Coltorti, Pier Lorenzo Fantozzi, and Pierluigi Pieruccini
22 Landscapes and Landforms of the Duchy of Urbino in Italian Renaissance Paintings Olivia Nesci and Rosetta Borchia
23 Rocky Cliffs Joining Velvet Beaches: The Northern Marche Coast Daniele Savelli, Francesco Troiani, Paolo Cavitolo, and Olivia Nesci
24 The Typical Badlands Landscapes Between the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Tiber River Maurizio Del Monte
25 The Tuff Cities: A ‘Living Landscape’ at the Border of Volcanoes in Central Italy Claudio Margottini, Laura Melelli, and Daniele Spizzichino
26 A Route of Fire in Central Italy: The Latium Ancient Volcanoes Paola Fredi and Sirio Ciccacci
27 Relief, Intermontane Basins and Civilization in the Umbria-Marche Apennines: Origin and Life by Geological Consent Marta Della Seta, Laura Melelli, and Gilberto Pambianchi
28 The Terminillo, Gran Sasso and Majella Mountains: The ‘Old Guardians’ of the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic Seas Tommaso Piacentini, Marcello Buccolini, and Enrico Miccadei
29 Aeternae Urbis Geomorphologia—Geomorphology of Rome, Aeterna Urbs Maurizio Del Monte
30 Granite Landscapes of Sardinia: Long-Term Evolution of Scenic Landforms Rita T. Melis, Felice Di Gregorio, and Valeria Panizza
31 The Coastal Dunes of Sardinia: Landscape Response to Climate and Sea Level Changes Rita T. Melis, Felice Di Gregorio, and Valeria Panizza
32 The Terrestrial and Submarine Landscape of the Tremiti Archipelago, Adriatic Sea Enrico Miccadei, Tommaso Piacentini, and Francesco Mascioli
33 Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei: Volcanic History, Landforms and Impact on Settlements Pietro P.C. Aucelli, Ludovico Brancaccio, and Aldo Cinque
34 Sorrento Peninsula and Amalfi Coast: The Long-Term History of an Enchanting Promontory Aldo Cinque
35 The Coastal Landscape of Cilento (Southern Italy): A Challenge for Protection and Tourism Valorisation Alessio Valente, Paolo Magliulo, and Filippo Russo
36 The Salento Peninsula (Apulia, Southern Italy): A Water-Shaped Landscape Without Rivers Giuseppe Mastronuzzi and Paolo Sansò
37 The Landscape of the Aspromonte Massif: A Geomorphological Open-Air Laboratory Gaetano Robustelli and Marino Sorriso-Valvo
38 Volcanic Landforms and Landscapes of the Aeolian Islands (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Sicily): Implications for Hazard Evaluation Federico Lucchi, Claudia Romagnoli, and Claudio Antonio Tranne
39 Geomorphology of the Capo San Vito Peninsula (NW Sicily): An Example of Tectonically and Climatically Controlled Landscape Valerio Agnesi, Christian Conoscenti, Cipriano Di Maggio, and Edoardo Rotigliano
40 Landforms and Landscapes of Mount Etna (Sicily): Relationships Between a Volcano, Its Environment and Human Activity Stefano Branca, David Chester, Emanuela De Beni, and Angus Duncan
41 Pantelleria Island (Strait of Sicily): Volcanic History and Geomorphological Landscape Silvio G. Rotolo, Valerio Agnesi, Christian Conoscenti, and Giovanni Lanzo
Part III Geoheritage
42 Geoheritage in Italy Maria Cristina Giovagnoli
43 Geomorphodiversity in Italy: Examples from the Dolomites, Northern Apennines and Vesuvius Mario Panizza and Sandra Piacente
44 Goethe’s Italian Journey and the Geological Landscape Paola Coratza and Mario Panizza
45 Wine Landscapes of Italy Vincenzo Amato and Mario Valletta