Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Учебник способствует развитию навыков и компетенций в области изучения и прогнозирования процессов миграции загрязняющих веществ в подземной гид-росфере. Повышенное внимание уделено эффективным подходам, позволяющим учесть в транспортных моделях физико-химические процессы, влияющие на скорость переноса загрязнений в пластовых условиях, математической формализации миграции рассолов, контролируемой плотностной конвекцией, двухфазной филь-трации (в связи с загрязнением подземных вод жидкими углеводородами), форми-рованию природных гидрогеохимических границ и закономерностей их смещения под влиянием водоотбора. Теоретические разделы сопровождаются многочисленными примерами из практики гидрогеологических работ на конкретных объектах, находящихся в стадиях проектирования, инженерно-геологических изысканий и эксплуатации (водозаборы подземных вод, горнодобывающие предприятия, пред-приятия по производству и обращению с радиоактивными материалами и др.). Для студентов-гидрогеологов, учебник будет также полезен научным рабо-тникам и специалистам-практикам.
Данное издание подготовлено при финансовой поддержке Российской академии наук, предоставленной учебно-научному центру «Водные объекты Карелии и методы их исследования» Института водных проблем Севера (ИВПС) КарНЦ РАН по программе «Поддержка молодых ученых». Благодаря активной и разносторонней деятельности центра академический институт, основная задача которого – осуществление фундаментальных исследований, имеет возможность заниматься популяризацией научных результатов, полученных как при проведении собственных исследований, так и в результате широкого, в том числе международного, сотрудничества. Важной целью учебно-научного центра является подготовка молодых специалистов для ИВПС. Поэтому при формировании учебных групп, проведении практик и семинаров отдается предпочтение тем, кто может рассматриваться как перспективная кандидатура с этой точки зрения.
Most countries require an environmental impact assessment (EIA) before giving the green light to a mining project. EIA processes provide a valuable opportunity for citizens to participate in decisions about mines. The problem is, project proponents often submit long, complex EIA documents that are incomprehensible to lay people.
The Guidebook for Evaluating Mining Project EIAs will help public interest lawyers, grassroots advocates, and community members understand mining EIAs, identify flaws in mining project plans, and explore ways that mining companies can reduce the public health hazards associated with mining.
В сборнике представлены новые материалы по геохимии ландшафтов. В первом разделе помещены тезисы докладов, посвященные общая вопросам геохимии ландшафтов. В тезисах докладов второго раздела рассматриваются особенности использования геохимии ландшафтов при поисках месторождений полезных ископаемых. В третьем разделе помещены материалы, показывающие ведущую роль геохимии ландшафтов в решении проблем охраны окружающей среды. Большое число ученых, из разных городов союза, изъявивших желание участвовать в работе совещания по геохимии ландшафтов, свидетельствует о широком развитии и несомненной актуальности этого научного направления. Из-за разнохарактерности изложения тезисов редколлегия отказалась от редактирования всех тезисов в едином плане и предоставила возможность авторам показать всю оригинальность своих научных разработок.
Mining has played an instrumental role in the development of modern society. These benefits have associated impacts and risks that must be managed by mining companies to retain their social licence to operate. A critical risk remains the ability to sustainably close mining operations. The concept of planning and executing mine closure has existed for a number of decades with the overarching philosophy “that closure should be considered throughout the lifecycle of a mine, from cradle to cradle” (Grant 2018). Regardless, there remain very few examples worldwide of successful mine closure and subsequent lease relinquishment, with notable exceptions (e.g. Grant 2006; Lacy & Bennett 2015). A major part of the challenge is that closure planning is rarely seen within the culture of the industry as a core business activity, and subsequently it is rarely integrated with other mineplanning activities more relevant to the day-to-day operation of the mine (e.g. short and medium mine planning, LoAP). This is generally due to the lack of ownership of closure issues by the site mine management teams, as closure is either seen as being too far into the future or someone else’s problem. This is despite the establishment of clear closure policy by most mining corporations and the many changes in mine closure related regulation around the globe <...>
This revised handbook addresses mine closure, one of the themes in the Leading Practice Sustainable Development (LPSD) Program. The program aims to identify key issues affecting sustainable development in the mining industry and provide information and case studies that illustrate a sustainable basis for the industry. A number of other themed handbooks in the series complement this handbook. The leading practice handbooks integrate all phases of mineral production, from exploration to post-closure and relinquishment.
Environmental Geology is a new textbook that focuses on the fascinating interaction between humans and the geologic processes that shape Earth’s environment. Because this text emphasizes how human survival is highly dependent on the natural environment, students should fi nd the topics to be quite relevant to their own lives, and therefore, more interesting. One of the key themes of this textbook centers on a serious challenge facing modern society: the need to continue obtaining large quantities of energy, and at the same time, move from fossil fuels to clean sources of energy that do not impact the climate system. Environmental Geology provides extensive coverage of the problems associated with our conventional fossil fuel supplies (Chapter 13), and an equally in-depth discussion on alternative energy sources (Chapter 14). The two chapters on energy are then intimately linked to a comprehensive overview of global climate change (Chapter 16), which is arguably civilization’s most critical environmental challenge<...>
The environment is the sum of all the features and conditions surrounding an organism that may influence it. An individual’s physical environment encompasses rocks and soil, air and water, such factors as light and temperature, and other organisms. One’s social environment might include a network of family and friends, a particular political system, and a set of social customs that affect one’s behavior.
Environmental Geology, 3e focuses on the fascinating interaction between humans and the geologic processes that shape Earth’s environment. Because this text emphasizes how human survival is highly dependent on the natural environment, students should find the topics to be quite relevant to their own lives and, therefore, more interesting. One of the key themes of this textbook centers on a serious challenge facing modern society: the need to continue obtaining large quantities of energy, and at the same time, make the transition from fossil fuels to clean sources of energy that do not impact the climate system. Environmental Geology provides extensive coverage of the problems associated with our conventional fossil fuel supplies (Chapter 13), and an equally in-depth discussion of alternative energy sources (Chapter 14). The two chapters on energy are intimately linked to a comprehensive overview of global climate change (Chapter 16), which is arguably civilization’s most critical environmental challenge.
Since most of the elements used by the society come from mineral extrac-tion, mining of mineral resources provide essential raw material for sustain-able development. Mining however leads to severe impact on the environ-ment, including contamination by toxic metals. A recent Europe-wide survey identified wide-spread pollution problems caused by mining, abandoned mines in particular (COM, 2003). Younger et al. (2002) estimated that about 1,000 to 1,500 km of watercourses are polluted by metal mine discharges in the EU. Through mineral extraction and subsequent mineral processing huge amount of wastes are produced. Metals and metal compounds in wastes tend to become chemically more available, which can result in the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD). Due to great volumes and slow chemical proc-esses, mine waste can release toxic compound for a very long time on the scale of centuries and thousands of years (BAT, 2003). Thus, remediation of mine sites, including abandoned mines, has to consider long-term solutions and remediation technologies have to be sustainable for a long time (Sind-ing, 1999). As an alternative, passive in situ remediation methods for AMD treatment using wetlands that provide means of cheap and sustainable reme-diation has been proposed (PIRAMID, 2003). Around the mine site, soils and surface water in the receiving environment are often contaminated with harmful elements or compounds of AMD. These contaminated sites act as secondary sources for pollution, especially for historic sites (Jordan and D‟Alessandro, 2004). <...>