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Earth Science for Civil and Environmental Engineers / Наука о Земле для инженеров-строителей и экологов

Автор(ы):Jackson R.E.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2019 г., 493 стр., ISBN: 978-0-521-84725-4
Earth Science for Civil and Environmental Engineers / Наука о Земле для инженеров-строителей и экологов

The purpose of this book is to introduce civil and environmental engineering students – and those active in engineering – to the fundamental principles of the earth sciences as they affect their practice. In particular, this book is intended for the use of geotechnical and geoenvironmental students and those in that practice. Hopefully, the reader will come to appreciate the complex problems that exist in engineering practice in a geological environment and find them intellectually rewarding. It also seeks to persuade the engineer that he or she should not try to solve all their problems without the advice of geoscientists. Rather, it is written to give the engineer an appreciation of the fundamentals of geological processes in order to work more effectively in a team comprising engineers and geoscientists.

This book is divided into four parts: Rocks as engineering materials; Soils and sediments; Groundwater; and Geological hazards.  Additionally, the book contains supplementary material on a website, where additional case histories may be studied and where useful software is discussed. In many cases, this software is available free to the user; in other cases, the software is available at reasonable prices from software houses that cater to engineers. Chapters end with a set of questions to test understanding of the topics covered. Answers to the questions are to be found online in the material reserved for instructors. <...>

ТематикаИнженерная геология
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