Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Редактор(ы):Ward D.J.
Издание:Penguin Random Hous, 2021 г., 320 стр., ISBN: 978-0-2414-7143-2
Fossils / Ископаемые

Fossil collecting is a fascinating hobby which has grown considerably in popularity over the last few decades. Its appeal is understandable; it combines the excitement of discovery with the practical skills of collecting and preparing specimens, and the academic challenge of identifying fossil finds. There are few other branches of science in which a beginner can make a serious contribution to the knowledge of our planet’s remarkable prehistory

Автор(ы):Case G.R.
Издание:1973 г., 67 стр.
Fossil sharks: a pictorial review / Ископаемые акулы: иллюстрированный обзор

Devonian outcroppings are widely dispersed throughout the northeast regions of the United States, in parts of Ohio and Iowa and throughout the Appalachian mountain region. The most common deposit of Devonian age rocks is the Hamilton shales which can be found throughout most of New York State, parts of Pennsylvania and Northern New Jersey.

Автор(ы):Bishop A.C., Hamilton W.R., Woolley A.R.
Издание:The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, 1980 г., 320 стр.
Minerals, rocks and fossils / Минералы, горные породы и ископаемые остатки

This field guide is divided into three sections, namely minerals, rocks (including meteorites and tektites) and fossils. Each section comprises an introductory part, which is illustrated by line drawings, and a descriptive part, which is illustrated by line drawings and colour photographs. The introductory sections include the minimum basic information required to follow the descriptive sections adequately, while the descriptive sections, for ease of reference, are always arranged so that photographs and accompanying text are opposite one another.

ТематикаМинералогия, Петрография, Стратиграфия
Автор(ы):Pojeta J., Springer D.A.
Издание:American Geological Institute, 2001 г., 35 стр., ISBN: 0-922152-57-8
Evolution and the fossil record / Эволюция и летопись окаменелостей

Evolution is one of the fundamental underlying concepts of modern science. This powerful theory explains such phenomena as the history of life preserved in the fossil record; the genetic, molecular, and physical similarities and differences among organisms; and the geographic distribution of organisms today and in the past. Indeed, evolution forms the foundation of modern biology and paleontology and is well documented by evidence from a variety of scientific disciplines. <...>

Автор(ы):Andrews P., Fernández-Jalvo Y.
Редактор(ы):Delson E., Sargis E.J.
Издание:Springer, 2016 г., 358 стр., ISBN: 978-94-017-7430-7
Atlas of taphonomic Identifications. 1001+ images of fossil and recent mammal bone modification / Атлас тафономических обозначений. 1001+ изображений ископаемых и недавних модификаций костей млекопитающих

Most simply put, taphonomy is the study of processes affecting the transition of the remains of past living organisms and their traces into the lithosphere as seen in the prehistoric record. It has many aspects, from processes affecting individual organisms to those affecting whole communities, but at its most basic level, the processes on which taphonomic interpretations are based are the same. Process is thus defined as the action of a taphonomic agent (Lyman 1994a), the agent being the immediate cause of modifications. The evidence by which process is identified in the fossil record is the effect it has on fossils, the biological, chemical and physical modifications preserved on the fossils. These modifications may be identified and interpreted through comparisons with observed processes produced by known agents acting on previously unmodified bones at the present time, either in experimentally controlled conditions or by naturalistic monitoring projects where agents and processes are known. <...>

Автор(ы):Prothero D.R.
Издание:Columbia University Press, New York, 2007 г., 612 стр., ISBN: 978-0-231-51142-1
Evolution. What the fossils say and why it matters / Эволюция. О чем говорят окаменелости и почему это важно

Thomas Henry Huxley proclaimed the Origin of Species to be “the most potent instrument for the extension of the realm of knowledge which has come into man’s hands since Newton’s Principia.” Ernst Mayr, arguably the greatest evolutionary theorist since Darwin, asserted that the Origin of Species triggered the greatest paradigm shift in the history of science. The late paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould, who inherited Huxley’s mantle as public intellectual, called the theory of evolution one of the half dozen most important ideas in the entire history of Western thought. The philosopher of science Daniel Dennett called evolution the most dangerous idea in the history of science.<...>

Автор(ы):Chiappe L.M., Qingjin M.
Издание:The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016 г., 302 стр., ISBN: 978-1421420240
Birds of stone. Chinese avian fossils from the age of dinosaurs / Каменные птицы. Птичьи окаменелости Китая времен динозавров

It was very cold. The countryside was blanketed in snow, intermittently dotted by drab houses and small villages. We were traveling in a van to Chaoyang, an ancient city and birthplace of Chinese culture, some five hours northeast of Beijing, in the western portion of Liaoning Province. What brought us there was the promise of a treasure trove of birds of stone: a large collection of ancient fossils housed in a small local museum. Since the early 1990s, a wealth of extraordinary fossils of birds and other organisms had been unearthed from this region in the northeastern corner of China. Dating back more than 120 million years, these spectacular fossils were rewriting the evolutionary history of many groups of animals and plants in deep time <...>

Автор(ы):Seilacher A.
Издание:Springer, 2007 г., 237 стр., ISBN: 978-3-540-47225-4
Trace fossil analysis / Анализ окаменелостей

This is a course book – meaning that it intends to confer not knowledge, but skill. The need for this skill becomes obvious if we look at the changing role of trace fossils during the last decades. From objects that were treated in standard paleontology textbooks, at best, under “Miscellanea”, together with problematica, coprolites and pseudofossils useless as index fossils, they have become subject of a special field, paleoichnology.

Редактор(ы):Harland W.B.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 1967 г., 763 стр.
The Fossil Record / Ископаемые "записи"

THIS VOLUME is in three parts. Part I contains the text of papers given at the symposium meeting; in this sense it is what is generally understood by a symposium in that each paper is the responsibility of the author, who although invited to contribute in a particular field has nevertheless decided for himself how to do this. It thus consists of a series of loosely related papers. Part II, on the other hand, is an integrated compilation, and the introduction explains how this effort in documentation was organized. It does not comment, however, on the labour which made this publication possible;

Автор(ы):Lomax D.R.
Издание:Columbia University Press, New York, 2021 г., 296 стр., ISBN: 978-0231197281
Locked in time. Animal behavior unearthed in 50 extraordinary fossils / Запертые во времени. Свойства животных в 50 необычных ископаемых останках

Do you remember the first time you saw a dinosaur skeleton? With your head tilted back, eyes wide open, and experiencing that overwhelming, uncontrollable “wow” factor? For many of us, coming face to face with an intimidating colossus of bones and teeth, an animal unlike anything alive today, would have filled you with an incredible sense of wonder and excitement.
But have you ever pondered what dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals did in their daily lives? Maybe what they ate or if they got sick? Perhaps how the animals cared for their babies and whether they laid eggs or gave birth to live young? Finding answers to these apparently simple questions is an almighty, complex challenge for paleontologists studying fossils. Some fossils, however, are so remarkable that they record direct evidence of such behaviors, capturing specific moments in the lives of long-extinct species. These are among the most fascinating, awe-inspiring, and exceptional of all fossils ever found <...>

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