Do you remember the first time you saw a dinosaur skeleton? With your head tilted back, eyes wide open, and experiencing that overwhelming, uncontrollable “wow” factor? For many of us, coming face to face with an intimidating colossus of bones and teeth, an animal unlike anything alive today, would have filled you with an incredible sense of wonder and excitement.
But have you ever pondered what dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals did in their daily lives? Maybe what they ate or if they got sick? Perhaps how the animals cared for their babies and whether they laid eggs or gave birth to live young? Finding answers to these apparently simple questions is an almighty, complex challenge for paleontologists studying fossils. Some fossils, however, are so remarkable that they record direct evidence of such behaviors, capturing specific moments in the lives of long-extinct species. These are among the most fascinating, awe-inspiring, and exceptional of all fossils ever found <...>