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Minerals, rocks and fossils / Минералы, горные породы и ископаемые остатки

Автор(ы):Bishop A.C., Hamilton W.R., Woolley A.R.
Издание:The Hamlyn Publishing Group Limited, 1980 г., 320 стр.
Minerals, rocks and fossils / Минералы, горные породы и ископаемые остатки

This field guide is divided into three sections, namely minerals, rocks (including meteorites and tektites) and fossils. Each section comprises an introductory part, which is illustrated by line drawings, and a descriptive part, which is illustrated by line drawings and colour photographs. The introductory sections include the minimum basic information required to follow the descriptive sections adequately, while the descriptive sections, for ease of reference, are always arranged so that photographs and accompanying text are opposite one another.
To make.the best use of the book the contents page and index should be used freely. The contents list will enable you to turn quickly to the appropriate section of the book, whereas if a tentative identification has been made, then reference to the index will immediately direct you to the relevant page. The index includes not only the names of specific minerals, rocks and fossils, but also technical terms which are used in describing them. By consulting the index you will be referred to the page on which the term is defined, and possibly illustrated. The stratigraphical column is given on page 310, and will be a particularly valuable reference for collectors of fossils. <...>

ТематикаМинералогия, Петрография, Стратиграфия
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