Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
The Brazilian Commission for Resources and Reserves (CBRR—Comissão Brasileira de Recursos e Reservas) was established in 2015, conceived as an initiative from three of the most important and representative associations within the Brazilian mineral sector: the Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa Mineral (ABPM—Brazilian Association of Mineral Exploration Companies), Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Inovação do Setor Mineral Brasileiro (ADIMB—Agency for Mineral Development and Innovation of the Brazilian Mining Sector) and Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração (IBRAM—Brazilian Mining Institute).
Detailed geologic surveys (including mapping, drillings, trenches, and mineralogical and chemical analyses) have delimited a new giant lateritic bauxite deposit with 642 million metric tons (Mt) of 42.7% Al2O3 (available) in the world-renowned Amazon Province, northern Brazil. The mineral resource is part of a mature laterite profile and consists of reddish to mottled clay at the base that narrows upward to massive bauxite, followed by ferruginous bauxite, and is capped by an iron horizon (nodular and columnar ferruginous crust) and nodular bauxite with a clayey matrix; a thick clay cover sealed the profile after abrupt contact.
A intenção e que este livro venha a ser adotado nos cursos de Geologia, Engenharia de Minas e em qualquer outro curso que necessite de informações sobre depósitos minerais, suas características e sua importância económica. Este texto foi iniciado com a publicação, em 1986, do livro Depósitos de Minerais Metálicos de Filiação Magmática que contém informações coletadas até 1985. Na época, a abordagem sobre o tema restringiu-se a uma categoria de depósitos, e faltaram muitos exemplos brasileiros que ilustrassem o texto convenientemente.
O avanço do conhecimento, a velocidade e o volume de informações que circulam nos dias de hoje nos fazem crer que são poucas as chances de que teses científicas e revolucionárias como a da Deriva Continental, proposta por Alfred Wegener em 1912, demorem tanto tempo para ser admitidas. Mas é certo que a saga para compreender o universo e o papel da vida continuará a impulsionar nossas iniciativas e criatividade.
Приводится материал по составу, строению и условиям образования различных групп осадочных формаций. Рассматривается многопорядковая структура верхнерифейской флишевой формации Таласского хребта, палеоген-неогеновых красноцветов Центрального Памира и Тянь-Шаня. Дается характеристика фосфоритоносных верхнемеловых отложений Усть-Енисейской впадины, нижнепалеозойскихосадочных формаций, обогащенных органическим веществом северо-востока Киргизии, позднеюрских горючих сланцев Северного Кавказа, каменноугольной банково-рифовой формации Южного Приуралья и рифогенной формации юго-восточной части Енисейского кряжа верхнего рифея. Детально охарактеризована юрская соленосная формация пограничных районов Гайаны и Бразилии.
Для геологов и специалистов, занимающихся формационным анализом и изучением терригенных, карбонатных, фосфоритоносных и эвапоритовых отложений
Работа посвящена решению вопроса о современных аналогах нефтеобразующих палеобассейнов. Приведены общие сведения о биоразнообразии современных гипергалинных водоемов. Предпринята попытка отождествления акритарх нефтей и нефтематеринских пород с рецентными галофитами. Установлены особенности продуцирования органических веществ. Рассмотрены основные закономерности литогенеза в аридных зонах и диагенез органических веществ. Показано, что в процессах нефтегазообразования бактериальные процессы и экзотермическая деструкция концентрированных органических веществ имеют столь же важное значение, что и глубинный тепловой поток. На основании синхронности накопления эвапоритовых осадков и появления пресноводных видов приводятся зоогеографические признаки районов нефтеобразования. Указывается на перспективную нефтегазоносность шельфа Аргентины, юга и севера Бразилии, залива Карпентария (Австралия), Японского, Кораллового и Тасманова морей.
Книга предназначена для специалистов в области нефтяной геологии, геохимиков, палеонтологов, биологов, зоогеографов
Gold has been exploited intensively in the Brazilian Amazon during the past fifteen years using garimpo methods (small-scale gold mining). In this study, two gold mining areas were investigated, the municipalities of Pocone and Alta Floresta located in the state of Mato Grosso, Central Brazil. The elemental mercury (Hg) used in amalgamating the gold, the fir.al stage of the ore dressing process, has caused abnormal Hg concentrations in waterways. This has occurred principally in the Amazon region, where most of the ore prospected is alluvial. Background levels of metals were determined by analyzing sediments and soils located upstream of the anthropogenic inputs and unaffected by mining activities. The study aimed to evaluate the pollution level in sediments and soils, taking into account drainage waters directly affected by gold mining. 'Geoaccumulation indexes' (Igeo) of Hg in sediments from both study areas were used to assesses the pollution level in the aquatic environment. The geoaccumulation indexes of Hg in sediments of the Bento Gomes River in Pocone indicate a relatively high degree of pollution at some sites, even reaching class 4 (1.85 mg/kg). However, when the river reaches the Pantanal swamp, Hg concentrations drop considerably to 0.30 mg/kg. This drop seems to be due to accumulation of metals in the sediments of a lake (sampling site PG-24), which retains most of the sediments transported by the Bento Gomes River. Accumulation of metals in the lake also occurred for Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe and Mn. In the region of Alta Floresta, total Hg concentrations in sediments of the Teles Pires River were studied in the grain size fractions < 74 /urn and > 74 /xm. Hg concentrations in bottom sediments of this river were higher than those found in the Pocone region, with increases of 1.5 to 30 times the background, and thus reaching an Igeo up to class 5.
Эпигенетическое месторождение Серра Пелада Au-PGE, залегающее в отложениях, и его потенциальная генетическая связь с железооксидно-медно-золотой минерализацией в минеральной провинции Карахас, Амазонский кратон, Бразилия
The Serra Pelada Au-PGE deposit is located within the Carajas Mineral Province of the southeastern Amazon Craton, Brazil. Gold-PGE ores are epigenetic and display a strong structural control, being hosted in sub-greenschist facies carbonaceous and calcareous meta-siltstone, within the hinge zone of a reclined, tight, regional-scale F2 synform. Although the entire orebody has undergone deep tropical weathering, some evidence of the original hydrothermal alteration is preserved. Gold-PGE mineralisation is associated with the formation of magnetite- and hematite-rich hydrothermal breccias, massive zones of hematite metasomatism, intense sericite (white mica)-kaolin metasomatism, siderite veining and a jasperoid envelope of amorphous silica alteration hosting rare disseminated pyrite. All other Au-PGE ore-related mineral assemblages have undergone intense weathering to hydrated Fe-oxides and secondary clay minerals, preventing further description of primary ore and alteration features. The geochemistry of the primary Au-PGE ores at Serra Pelada displays many similarities to that of Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits within the Carajas Mineral Province, and indeed world-wide, in terms of metal association (eg. Co, Ni, Cu, U), LREE enrichment and accompanying Fe-metasomatism. The Au-Pd-Pt association also suggests ore metal transport in acid, oxidising, chloride-rich fluids, similar to those for Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits. In combination with these similarities, and the location of the Serra Pelada Au-Pd-Pt deposit, it is suggested that the latter represents a distal equivalent to the Fe-oxide Cu-Au deposits and, as such, a target that may have been overlooked during exploration programs around such terrains globally.
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