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The CBRR guide for reporting exploration onformation, mineral resources and mineral reserves / Руководство CBRR по представлению информации о разведке, минеральных ресурсах и запасах полезных ископаемых
The Brazilian Commission for Resources and Reserves (CBRR—Comissão Brasileira de Recursos e Reservas) was established in 2015, conceived as an initiative from three of the most important and representative associations within the Brazilian mineral sector: the Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa Mineral (ABPM—Brazilian Association of Mineral Exploration Companies), Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Inovação do Setor Mineral Brasileiro (ADIMB—Agency for Mineral Development and Innovation of the Brazilian Mining Sector) and Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração (IBRAM—Brazilian Mining Institute). The CBRR is constituted as a private non-profit organization focusing on establishing, sponsoring and managing efforts to promote and develop the Brazilian mineral sector. Initiatives include best global engineering and geology practices, exploration, mineral resources and reserves reporting guidelines in accordance with the CRIRSCO standards and management of the certification process and database for the registration of Qualified Professionals in Brazil. The first version of the CBRR Guide was promulgated on November 30, 2015, when the CBRR and Brazil were accepted as the ninth country and representative organization of CRIRSCO.
The CRIRSCO International Reporting Template (IRT) for the Public Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves integrates the minimum standards adopted in national/regional reporting codes and standards worldwide with recommendations and interpretative guidelines. In this edition of the “CBRR Guide,” the terms and definitions are aligned with the IRT as revised in November 2019. Therefore, with the exception of the ESG chapter (see the comment below), the definitions presented here are identical to, or not materially different from, the definitions published by the IRT.
The 2022 edition of the CBRR Guide provides reinforcement of and more details about environmental, social performance and governance (ESG) practices. The dedicated chapter is based on PERC Reporting Standard 2021, published by the Pan-European Reserves and Resources Reporting Committee, a member of the CRIRSCO family. <...>