Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
В сборнике приводятся материалы экспериментальных и теоретических исследований ЭПР и оптических спектров поглощения примесных и дефектных центров в некоторых минералах и синтетических кристаллах. Сообщаются результаты изучения протонного магнитного резонанса в искусственных хроматах. Приведены результаты определения пористости и проницаемости для различных коллекторов нефти и газа методом спиновое эхо. Разобраны особенности направления осей наилегчайшего намагничивания и осей оптической индикатриссы в искусственных сульфатах и некоторых минералах.
Quantitative modeling techniques and methods are central to the study and development of process engineering, and mineral processing is no exception. Models in mineral processing have been difficult to develop because of the complexity of the unit operations that are used in virtually all mineral recovery systems. Chief among these difficulties is the fact that the feed material is invariably a particulate solid. Many of the conventional mathematical modeling techniques that are commonly used for process equipment have limited application to particulate systems and models for most unit operations in mineral processing have unique features. Common ground is quite difficult to find. The one obvious exception is the population balance technique and this forms a central thread that runs throughout the modeling techniques that are described in this book. The models that are described are certainly incomplete in many respects, and these will be developed and refined by many researchers during the years ahead. Nevertheless, the models are useful for practical quantitative work and many have been widely used to assist in the design of new equipment and processes. Some of the newer models have not yet been seriously tested in the industrial environment <...>
Дисертація присвячена вирішенню актуального наукового завдання з покращення умов розвантаження дискових сепараторів з магнітними системами на основі постійних магнітів при вилученні феромагнітних включень з сипких немагнітних середовищ, що транспортуються стрічковими конвеєрами. Умови розвантаження покращуються завдяки використанню удосконалених структур магнітних систем та формуванню робочого магнітного поля з заданою топологією.
An analysis is performed for the magnetization, coercive force, and chemical composition of dressing products. The use of pulsed magnetic fields made it possible to increase the content of iron in concentrate and decrease simultaneously the iron losses.
The "Abakan Ore Management" Joint-Stock Company delivers primary magnetite concentrate to the West-Siberian Metallurgical Integrated Works, where the concentration plant is absent; therefore, a poor concentrate is used, and the production efficiency decreases at the initial stage. Abakan grinding-and-concentrating plant produces primary magnetite concentrate 0-8 mm in size with an average iron and sulfur content of 48 % and up to 2.5 %, respectively. By the two-stage dry separation scheme, the tails of two size classes 0-10 and 5-20 mm form. Currently, more than 18 mln t of tails with iron mass share of 13.7 % is accumulated in tailing dump.
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