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Modeling and simulation of mineral processing systems / Моделирование систем переработки полезных ископаемых

Автор(ы):King R.P.
Издание:Butterworths, 2001 г., 413 стр., ISBN: 0-7506-4884-8
Modeling and simulation of mineral processing systems / Моделирование систем переработки полезных ископаемых

Quantitative modeling techniques and methods are central to the study and development of process engineering, and mineral processing is no exception. Models in mineral processing have been difficult to develop because of the complexity of the unit operations that are used in virtually all mineral recovery systems. Chief among these difficulties is the fact that the feed material is invariably a particulate solid. Many of the conventional mathematical modeling techniques that are commonly used for process equipment have limited application to particulate systems and models for most unit operations in mineral processing have unique features. Common ground is quite difficult to find. The one obvious exception is the population balance technique and this forms a central thread that runs throughout the modeling techniques that are described in this book. The models that are described are certainly incomplete in many respects, and these will be developed and refined by many researchers during the years ahead. Nevertheless, the models are useful for practical quantitative work and many have been widely used to assist in the design of new equipment and processes. Some of the newer models have not yet been seriously tested in the industrial environment <...>

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