Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Издание:Главзолото, Москва, 1939 г.
Руководство по приемке вольноприносительского золота

Основной задачей настоящего руководства является повышение квалификации приемщиков золота и упорядочение приемки золота.
Кадры приемщиков золота разбросаны на многочисленных пунктах, далеко отстоящих друг от друга. Вследствие этого, инструктаж и надлежащая подготовка этих кадров затруднительны.
Наблюдается немало случаев, когда честные и добросовестные приемщики производят приемку золота неправильно, что приводит к потерям и убыткам.

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
Автор(ы):Федорчук В.П.
Редактор(ы):Гусев Г.С.
Издание:ГЕОКАРТ-ГЕОС, Москва, 2005 г., 186 стр., УДК: 553.065+553.078, ISBN: 5-89118-395-1
Телетермальные месторождения. Справочное руководство

В данной книге рассмотрены проблемы телетермальной металлогении: генезис удаленных от рудогенерирующих очагов низкотемпературных (телетермальных) месторождений ртути, сурьмы и мышьяка, свинца и цинка, меди, золота и серебра, вольфрама и молибдена, платины и платиноидов, флюорита, барита и целестина и др. Охарактеризованы закономерности их размещения и условия локализации, намечен комплекс поисково-оценочных критериев, определено промышленное значение отдельных геолого-промышленных типов этой группы месторождений, наиболее сложных в геолого-структурном отношении.
Предназначено для широкого круга специалистов в области методики прогнозирования, поисков, разведки и геолого-промышленной оценки месторождений полезных ископаемых, а также сотрудников НИИ и вузов геологического профиля.

ТематикаГеологоразведка, Методика ГРР, Полезные ископаемые
Автор(ы):Devold H.
Издание:ABB ATPA Oil and Gas, 2006 г., 83 стр.
Oil and gas production handbook. An introduction to oil and gas production / Руководство по добыче нефти и газа. Введение в добычу нефти и газа

This handbook is has been compiled to give readers with an interested in the oil and gas production industry an overview of the main processes and equipment. When I started to search for a suitable introduction to be used for new engineers, I discovered that much of this equipment is described in standards, equipment manuals and project documentation. But little material was found to quickly give the reader an overview of the entire upstream area, while still preserving enough detail to let the engineer get an appreciation of the main characteristics and design issues.

Автор(ы):Ward D.
Издание:2016 г., 59 стр.
An illustrated guide to the British middle eocene vertebrates / Иллюстрированное руководство по Британским среднеэоценовым позвоночным

The style and content of this book is modelled on that of the "British Fossils" trilogy published by the Natural History Museum, London. I feel that it is regrettable that this, very successful, formula, which figures most of the common British fossils, has not been expanded upon. British Palaeozoic Fossils, British Mesozoic Fossils and British Caenozoic Fossils, may be purchased at: The Natural History Museum Bookshop, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 SBD <...>

Издание:Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide, 2010 г., 109 стр., ISBN: 978-0-9821214-36
Guidebook for evaluating mining project EIAs / Руководство по оценке ОВОС горнодобывающих проектов

Most countries require an environmental impact assessment (EIA) before giving the green light to a mining project. EIA processes provide a valuable opportunity for citizens to participate in decisions about mines. The problem is, project proponents often submit long, complex EIA documents that are incomprehensible to lay people.

The Guidebook for Evaluating Mining Project EIAs will help public interest lawyers, grassroots advocates, and community members understand mining EIAs, identify flaws in mining project plans, and explore ways that mining companies can reduce the public health hazards associated with mining. 

Автор(ы):Scholle P.A.
Издание:The American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 1979 г., 201 стр.
A color illustrated guide to constituents, textures, cements and porosities of sandstones and associated rocks / Цветное иллюстрированное руководство по составу, текстурам, цементу и пористости песчаников и сопутствующих пород

This book is designed as a companion volume to AAPG Memoir 27. As with its predecessor volume, the purpose of this book is to provide identified illustrations of important grains, textures, cements, and porosity types for geologists who may not be specialists in the petrography of sandstones and associated sedimentary rocks.

Sandstone petrography is of particular interest to the explorationist for several reasons. First, it can provide valuable information on the detailed composition of sedimentary rocks. From this, one can often draw conclusions about the lithology, climate, and tectonic history of the source area, as well as predicting the response of such units to a variety of subsurface diagenetic environments. Second, one can acquire significant data on the grain size, sorting, and rounding of sedimentary grains. For lithified sediments this may be the only way to obtain such data, which may be useful in determinations of the transport mechanisms and depositional environment of the sediment. Third, information may be obtained on the postdepositional alteration history of sedimentary rocks. This may include data on compaction, cementation, leaching, fracturing, porosity types, and other factors. These are essential for a proper understanding of reservoir rocks and, commonly, petrography provides the only technique fort gathering accurate data on such diagenetic factors <...>

Автор(ы):Воробьев С.А., Шваров Ю.В.
Издание:МГУ, Москва, 1982 г., 53 стр.
Руководство по математической обработке данных при литохимических методах поисков рудных месторождений. Часть 2

В учебно-методическом пособии приводятся программы обработки нолевых и лабораторных наблюдений, моделирования процессов формирования геохимических аномалий - решения прямых и обратных задач, возникающих при геохимических поисках рудных месторождений. Описание программ начинается о кратких пояснений и перечисления задач, решаемых с их помощью. Приводятся математические зависимости, положенные в их основу, и по установленной форме - текст программы, а также краткие указания по работе с ними.

Автор(ы):Hutton C.
Издание:2022 г., 273 стр.
Mining economics explained. A пuide for boards, executives, managers and investors / Объяснение экономики добычи полензных ископаемых. Руководство для директоров, руководителей, менеджеров и инвесторов

This book is crafted against the backdrop of the commodities super-cycle that we had in the first decade of the 21st Century, and the mining industry having learnt severe lessons. Dr Ian Runge summarized the decade-long experiment with the prioritization of volumes and said, “The economics of mining is at an inflection point. For the last decade or so our focus has been on developing mines and bringing them into production. It is not production on its own that is important, it is how efficiently we can produce.”¹ The message was echoed by Ivan Glasberg, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Glencor at the time of penning this book: “The big guys really screwed up (during the super-cycle) by building too many mines”, and as a result he opined that miners needed to learn about supply and demand fundamentals. “The real trap in the gold industry in the past was chasing volume,” said Tom Palmer, Newmont CEO and, “No one made any real money,” according to Barrick Gold Corporation’s CEO, Mark Bristow. <...>

Автор(ы):Hengl T.
Издание:JRC Scientific and Technical Reports, 2007 г., 164 стр., ISBN: 978-92-79-06904-8
A practical guide to geostatistical mapping of environmental variables / Практическое руководство по геостатистическому картированию переменных окружающей среды

Geostatistics is a subset of statistics specialized in analysis and interpretation of geographically referenced data (Goovaerts, 1997; Webster and Oliver, 2001; Nielsen and Wendroth, 2003). In other words, geostatistics comprises statistical techniques that are adjusted to spatial data. Typical questions of interest to a geostatistician are:

how does a variable vary in space?

what controls its variation in space?

where to locate samples to describe its spatial variability?

how many samples are needed to represent its spatial variability?

what is a value of a variable at some new location?

what is the uncertainty of the estimate?

Издание:Schlumberger, 2000 г., 391 стр.
Completions hydraulics handbook / Руководство по гидравлике для завершающих работ

For any oilfield analysis, it is necessary to understand how to calculate areas, volumes and capacities. Fortunately, areas and capacities of tubing and casing are in most field handbooks and in the engineering tables of this book. Most readers of this document will remember how to calculate areas and volumes from grade school, so only a brief review is presented here. The engineering tables at the back of this book provide all the necessary data to determine well capacities quite easily. The first few sample problems are solved manually to show how the tables were generated. Thereafter, the tables will be used as much as possible to simplify the problem solving. Understanding how the data was generated will make the calculations more meaningful and the tables easier to use. In any case, a clear understanding of the basic principles is necessary before proceeding as subsequent concepts will build on prior ones <...>

ТематикаГорючие полезные ископаемые
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