Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
This document provides an overview of the Deswik.CAD object model and scripting interface. The document does cover some specifics of the programming and vb language uses, but is not designed as an in depth programming reference. The Deswik Scripting language closely follows the VB.NET Framework 4 as much as possible. Bearing in mind that it does NOT execute the code in the .NET JIT compiler (it has its own compiler). For this reason it is possible to use the Microsoft VB.NET web resources when looking for syntax information. There are likely some code syntaxes and methods which Deswik has not encountered. Should you find one of these cases please contact support and we will rectify as quickly as possible. <...>
The Large Open Pit (LOP) project is an international research and technology transfer project focused on the stability of large slopes associated with open pit mines. It is an industry-sponsored and -funded project that was initiated in 2005 and managed by Dr John Read under the auspices of Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). The project was renewed in 2014 under the leadership of Dr Marc Ruest and the University of Queensland. The sponsors have comprised a diverse group of multinational mining companies and joint venture partners including: Anglo American plc; AngloGold Ashanti Limited; Barrick Gold Corporation; BHP Billiton Innovation Pty Limited and BHP Chile; Corporación Nacional de Cobre Del Chile (Codelco); De Beers Group Services (Pty); Debswana Diamond Co.; Newcrest Mining Limited; Newmont USA and Newmont Australia Limited; Ok Tedi Mining Limited; Rio Tinto Group; Teck Resources Limited; and Vale S.A. <...>
The search for a mineral commodity, uranium included, and its eventual production is basically an economic activity. A realistic assessment of the economic viability of a project, whether to fulfill domestic needs or to meet world demand, should therefore be carried out as early and as frequently as possible.
The consumption of primary raw materials has increased ever faster in recent decades, not least due to rapid economic growth in countries such as China, India, and Brazil. Petroleum and natural gas continue to be the most important energy sources driving engines and turbines worldwide, while petroleum is also the most important raw material for the production of plastics, various medicines, and other products of the chemical industry.
Volcanoes have the power to rock our world, from the spectacular and the beautiful to the violent and the deadly. Introducing Volcanology: A Guide to Hot Rocks is a detailed but accessible introduction to volcanoes and their plumbing systems. Aimed at those with an inquisitive interest in volcanoes as well as the more advanced reader, the ten chapters document different aspects of volcanology. All are illustrated with a wide array of photographs and diagrams to accompany the text, and an A–Z of volcanology is included as a glossary. Since the first edition of this book was published in 2011, a lot has happened in the world of volcanoes and in the world of DougalEARTH. I have been lucky to continue travelling globally to see many of the world’s modern and ancient volcanic rocks (the ‘HOT Rocks’ that form the basis of this guide). Since appearing as ‘Dr Volcano’ on BBC television, I have continued to work with various media projects including CBBC series Fierce Earth, a trip down the Grand Canyon in a wooden boat (BBC/Discovery) and a journey to the very edge of China (Discovery Asia), always looking out for the next Earth Science adventure <...>
In 1848, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., was beginning to shift from being primarily a literary publisher to being a scientific, technical, and engineering publisher. This shift was the first of many Wiley has made over the years as it has constantly adapted to meet the unique needs of each new generation. This was also the year Wiley published one of its most enduring and notable titles: James D. Dana’s Manual of Mineralogy, including Observations on Mines, Rocks, Reduction of Ores, and the Application of the Science to the Arts. Over the years, it too has continually adapted to meet the changing needs of all who use it. Now in its twenty-third edition, the Manual of Mineral Science remains the standard for teaching introductory mineralogy/mineral science. <...>
Из различных пород, через которые ведется проходка в процессе бурения скважины, наиболее подверженным нестабильности является сланец. Рыхлые пески, обычно встречающиеся на небольших глубинах, могут подвергаться эрозии под действием бурового раствора в турбулентном режиме. И песчаники, и карбонатные породы могут быть нестабильными под действием тектонических напряжений, или если гидростатическое давление бурового раствора ниже давления на флюиды в породах, в частности, когда проницаемость является низкой. Однако в случае со сланцами проблема нестабильности усугубляется необычными последствиями смачивания водой этой породы.
Precise descriptions of the features seen in soils or regoliths as examined under the microscope require a specific set of concepts and terms because the microscope reveals features that simply cannot be seen with the naked eye. Microscopic features can of course be described using common words, but this would lead to very tedious and lengthy descriptive texts that are time consuming both to write and to read and not always unambiguous. Moreover, it would be difficult to translate such descriptions without losing information or committing errors. By using a comprehensive terminology, descriptions would be not only shorter, but also easier to compare and to store in databases <...>
Книга посвящена геологическому строению, ландшафтным особенностям и истории геологического развития Боровичского района Новгородской области, являясь популярным путеводителем экскурсий по опорному разрезу нижнего карбона по р.Мста и её притокам в окрестностях г.Боровичи.
Our combined experiences in the global minerals industry are the central source for the effective project management tactics and methods that we seek to convey within this book. We are forever indebted to the corporations who so generously employed us and to our colleagues who so patiently educated us over these past 50 years. This publication is a culmination of the wisdom we gleaned and gathered from so many others as we worked our way through almost 500 projects following our entry into the mining profession.