Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
The great classical tectcnicians, such as Suess, Argand and Wegener, att empted (0 und erstand. without the benefi t of the plate tecto nic theory. the workings of the Ea rth engine as a who le, and the part that deformation played in that who le. In my student days, I deri ved great pleasure and benefit from De Sitter's textbook on str uctural geology where the study of geo logical structures and major Earth structure received more or less equal rreatment. Since then, until relatively recently, there has been a tendency for str uctu ral geology to become more parochial and inward-looking, despite the enormous advances in understand ing that the plate tectonic revolutio n has brought abo ut. I have longfelt the need, therefo re, for a bo ok tha t would give students a tectonic overview in which geo logical structures and deformation could be seen in their context as byproducts of the plate tectonic system <...>
Предкавказье - хорошо изученный решон с большими разведанными и прогнозными запасами полезных ископаемых, главным образом нефти и газа Поэтому сведения о закономерностях геологического развития этой территории имеют большое теоретическое и практическое значение Несмотря на многолетнюю историю геологического освоения территории Предкавказья, проблема механизма образования Предкавказских краевых прогибов до сих пор остается актуальной
The association between fithospheric extension, continental break-up, mantle plumes and massive bursts of igneous activity is well recognized, but their causal relationship remains controversial. According to active mantle hypotheses, rifting is initiated by doming above a mantle plume. Alternative hypotheses consider magmatism as a passive response to lithospheric stretching and rifting with the chance unroofing of a plume only enhancing lithospheric failure and producing abnormally large volumes of basaltic magmatism. Some models combine aspects of both active and passive hypotheses and it is the arrival of a new plume beneath lithosphere already under tension that causes it to split and form a new ocean. The active and passive hypotheses highlight important differences in the relative timing of rifting, magmatism and uplift. Consequently, this debate should be resolved and the main aim of this volume is to integrate relevant tectonic, geochemical and geophysical data which will lead to a better understanding of the causal relationships between magmatism and continental break-up.
What is economic geology? It may be defined as the study of geological bodies and materials that may be useful to mankind. The materials included are fuels, metallic and non-metallic minerals, rocks and water. This book will exclude considerations of water and building materials, and will concentrate on ores and fuels.
Some people may say that economic geology is a subdiscipline within the geological sciences, but this is not strictly correct, for it is unlike other su}?disciplines, such as palaeontology, igneous petrology, structural geology, and so on, which all go to make up the science of geology, for each of these can exist independently. Economic geology cannot exist as a separate discipline, for it has to be based on the broad spectrum of the geological sciences.
The present-day crustal deformation in the North African area is mainly driven by the NWSE to NNW–SSE convergence (4–5 mm/yr) between the African and Eurasian plates (Mckenzie, 1972; Nocquet & Calais, 2004; Serpelloni et al., 2007). This convergence is accommodated over a wide deformation zone (the Tellian Atlas) implying the existence of significant seismic activity. This domain represents the southern part of the Alpine ranges at the boundary between the African and Eurasian plates.
Two words are used to describe the result of a stress: ‘deformation’ and ‘strain’. Deformation is a general term describing the change of shape, size and/or position of an object, while strain (or ‘internal’ deformation) is used when associated with some quantification of shape change. (Note that in French, deformation is used for both meanings.) No stress, no deformation. Let us begin with deformation, which is the consequence of applying some stress. In the following section, however, symbols referring to a stress will naturally appear here and there. They name the principal directions of push (σ1) and pull (σ3). <...>
Based on the behavior of the asthenosphere, the rifting is driven by passive and active rifting components (Sengör and Burke, 1978; Figure 1.2), which are understood as rather end-members of the natural rift types driven by the mixture of these components (see, e.g., Huismans, 1999; Davis and Kusznir, 2002; Manatschal, 2004; Huismans and Beaumont, 2005; Simon and Podladchikov, 2006).
Во второй части "Большого Кавказа" рассматривается история колебательных движений земной коры и поверхности в области Большого Кавказа в течение верхнемелового и третичного времени. Как и прежде, исследование строится на изучении фаций отложений, характера взаимоотношений между свитами (перерывы, регрессии, трансгрессии) и распределения мощностей осадков. По-прежнему автор пользовался постоянной консультацией проф. М. М. Тетяева. Чрезвычайно много ценного автор почерпнул из бесед с геологами, работающими на Кавказе, и прежде всего с А.П. Герасимовым и В.П. Ренгартеном.
В III части нашей работы мы сперва суммируем результаты изучения истории колебательных движений в Большом Кавказе, затем рассматриваем складчатую структуру современного Кавказа, ее историю, взаимоотношения складчатых и колебательных движений, и пытаемся осветить некоторые общие вопросы генезиса складчатости. В заключительной глава трактуется вопрос о месте проявлений магматической активности в истории геотектонического развития нашей области. Последний вопрос нами только затронут, и здесь еще остается огромное поле для дальнейших исследований. Попрежнему автор пользовался постоянной консультацией проф. М.М. Тетяева.
3.В. Пушкина. Поровые воды современных, четвертичных и плиоценовых отложений Южного Каспия А.А. Кордиков. Геохимия угленосных отложений Южной Якутии A.Н. Волкова. Условия накопления балахонских свит Кузнецкого бассейна
Я.Э. Юдович. О самостоятельном генетическом типе концентраций редких элементов Е.А. Соколова. Формационная характеристика и генезис марганцевого месторождения Тахта-Карача (Зеравшанский хребет)
Г.Ю. Бутузова. Ассоциации тяжелых минералов в палеогеновых отложениях Южно-Украинского марганцерудного бассейна