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Tectonics and magmatism in Turkey and the surrounding area / Тектоника и магматизм в Турции и ее окрестностях

Автор(ы):Bozkurt E., Piper J.D.A., Winchester J.A.
Издание:The Geological Society of London, 2000 г., 540 стр., ISBN: 1-86239-064-9
Tectonics and magmatism in Turkey and the surrounding area / Тектоника и магматизм в Турции и ее окрестностях

Tethyan evolution
STAMPFLI, G. M. Tethyan oceans 1
OKAY, A. 1. Was the Late Triassic orogeny in Turkey caused by the collision of an oceanic plateau?
ROBERTSON, A. H. F. & PICKETT, E. A. Palaezoic-Early Tertiary Tethyan evolution of melanges, rift and passive margin units in the Karaburun Peninsula (western Turkey) and Chios Island (Greece)
ALTINER, D., OZCAN-ALTINER, S. & KogYicfr, A. Late Permian foraminiferal biofacies belts in Turkey: palaeogeographic and tectonic implications

ROBERTSON, A. H. F. Mesozoic-Tertiary tectonic-sedimentary evolution of a south Tethyan oceanic basin and its margins in southern Turkey
GONCUOGLU, M. C, TURHAN, N., §ENTURK, K., OzCAN, A., UYSAL, §. & YALINIZ, M. K. A geotraverse across northwestern Turkey: tectonic units of the Central Sakarya region and their tectonic evolution
FARINACCI, A., FIORENTINO, A. & RIDOLFI, V. Aspects of Jurassic radiolarite sedimentation in a ramp setting following the 'mid-Late Jurassic discontinuity', Barla Dag area, Western Taurus, Turkey
YILMAZ, A., ADAMIA, S., CHABUKIANI, A., CHKHOTUA, T., ERDOGAN, K., Tuzcu, S. & KARABIYIKOGLU, M. F. Structural correlation of the southern Transcaucasus (Georgia)-eastern Pontides (Turkey)Neotethyan ophiolites
FLOYD, P. A., GONCUOGLU, M. C., WINCHESTER, J. A. & YALINIZ, M. K. Geochemical character and tectonic environment of Neotethyan ophiolitic fragments and metabasites in the Central Anatolian Crystalline Complex, Turkey
YALINIZ, K. M., FLOYD, P. A. & GONCUOGLU, M. C. Geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the £igekdag Ophiolite, Central Anatolia, Turkey, and their inferred tectonic setting within the northern branch of the Neotethyan Ocean
PARLAK, O., HOCK, V. & DELALOYE, M. Suprasubduction zone origin of the Pozanti-Karsanti Ophiolite (southern Turkey) deduced from whole-rock and mineral chemistry of the gabbroic cumulates  Post-Tethyan basin evolution
KAZMIN, V. G., SCHREIDER, A. A. & BULYCHEV, A. A. Early stages of evolution of the Black Sea
GORUR, N., £AGATAY, N., SAKINC, M., AKKOK, R., TCHAPALYGA, A. & NATALIN, B. Neogene Paratethyan succession in Turkey and its implications for the palaeogeography of the Eastern Paratethys
KARABIYIKOGLU, M. F., QNER, A., MONOD, O., DEYNOUX, M., Tuzcu, S. & OR^EN, S. Tectonosedimentary evolution of the Miocene Manavgat Basin, western Taurides, Turkey

KAYMAKCI, N., WHITE, S. H. & VAN DIJK, P. M. Palaeostress inversion in a multiphase deformed area: kinematic and structural evolution of the £ankm Basin (central Turkey), Part 1 - northern area
BURCHFIEL, C. B., NAKOV, R., TZANKOV, T. & ROYDEN, L. H. Cenozoic extension in Bulgaria and northern Greece: the northern part of the Aegean extensional regime
YILMAZ, Y., GENC;, §. C., GURER, F., Bozcu, M., YILMAZ, K., KARACIK, Z., ALTUNKAYNAK, §. & ELMAS, A. When did the western Anatolian grabens begin to develop?
BOZKURT, E. Timing of extension on the Biiyiik Menderes Graben, western Turkey, and its tectonic implications
KogriGir, A., UNAY, E. & SARAC, G. Episodic graben formation and extensional neotectonic regime in west Central Anatolia and the Isparta Angle: a case study in the Aksehir-Afyon Graben, Turkey
TATAR, O., PIPER, J. D. A. & GURSOY, H. Palaeomagnetic study of the Erciyes sector of the Ecemis Fault Zone: neotectonic deformation in the southeastern part of the Anatolian Block'
Igneous activity
BOZTUG, D. S-I-A-type intrusive associations: geodynamic significance of synchronism between metamorphism and magmatism in Central Anatolia, Turkey

ARGER, J., MITCHELL, J. & WESTAWAY, R. W. C. Neogene and Quaternary volcanism of southeastern Turkey
YURTMEN, S., ROWBOTHAM, G., IsLER, F. & FLOYD, P. A. Petrogenesis of basalts from southern Turkey: the Plio-Quaternary volcanism to the north of Iskenderun Gulf

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