Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
In China, numerous shallow mined-out areas have been left due to the disordered mining by the private coal mines. It is of important theoretical and practical value for the roof stability evaluation and disaster forecasting to research the deformation rupture, instability mechanism, and failure mode of the rock roof in the minedout areas.
The proceedings of ICADD-10 is a collection of 56 technical papers, including 8 keynotes, accepted by the conference. ICADD-10 is the 10th event of the series since 1995. The conference series have been organised every 2–3 years focusing initially on the discontinuous deformation analysis method and gradually covering the discontinuous numerical methods and coupling techniques with other numerical approaches, for geomechanics and geoengineering.
The book sets out to present a state of practice of the geotechnical engineering of embankment dams and their foundations and the geotechnical engineering of the foundations of concrete dams. It assumes that the reader is trained in Civil Engineering or Engineering Geology, with knowledge of soil and rock mechanics.
Mencl, V.: Plastizitätslehre und das wirkliche Verhalten von Gebirgsmassen. Mit 9 Textabbildungen Veder, Ch.: Bodenstabilisierung durch Ausschaltung von Grenzflächenerscheinungen. Mit 15 Textabbildungen Magar, K.: Zur Klassifizierung überwiegend bindiger Halbfestgesteine Haefeli, R.: Gedanken zum Problem der glazialen Erosion. Mit 16 Textabbildungen Wittke, W. und Cl. Louis: Modellversuche zur Durchströmung klüftiger Medien. Mit 24 Textabbildungen Wittke, W.: Zur Reichweite von Injektionen in klüftigem Fels. Mit 7 Textabbildungen Link, H.: Zum Verhältnis seismisch und statisch ermittelter Elastizitätsmoduln von Fels. Mit 9 Textabbildungen und 1 Tabelle
The Symposium of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG) was held at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India, during the period 5–7 March 2019. Computer applications of geomechanics have been gaining much popularity from the early days of the International Conference on Numerical Methods in Geomechanics at Vicksburg, in 1972, Blacksburg, in 1976, and Innsbruck, Austria, in 1988. It was in that very context the IACMAG was established and it has been growing ever since with various stakeholders contributing significantly from different nations across the world. IACMAG aims at fostering multidisciplinary research and ideas pertaining to geomechanics with particular emphasis on integrating both the practical and the fundamental aspects. The field of geomechanics has evolved with time, and in this regard, IACMAG takes into account the need for judicious simplification of fundamental aspects of geomechanics with proper amalgamation of theory and experimentation in order that they find their use in practical problems and challenges faced in the industry today <...>
Soil–structure interaction is a topic of significant importance in the solution of problems in geotechnical engineering. Conventional and ad hoc techniques are usually not sufficient to understand the mechanism and model the challenging behavior at the interfaces and joints prevalent in most structural and foundation systems. In addition to mechanical loading, the behavior of structures containing interfaces can be affected by environmental factors such as fluids, temperature, and chemicals.
Pearson is the world's learning company, with presence across 70 countries worldwide. Our unique insights and world-class expertise comes from a long history of working closely with renowned teachers, authors and thought leaders, as a result of which, we have emerged as the preferred choice for millions of teachers and learners across the world.
We believe learning opens up opportunities, creates fulfilling careers and hence better lives. We hence collaborate with the best of minds to deliver you class-leading products, spread across the Higher Education and K92 spectrum. Superior learning experience and improved outcomes are at the heart of everything we do. This product is the result of one such effort. Your feedback plays a critical role in the evolution of our products and you can contact us - reachus@pearson.com. We look forward to it. <...>
This unique congress brings together the best of what the Geotechnical Engineering Institute and the Structural Engineering Institutes have to offer. In celebration of both Institutes twentieth anniversary we joined together to offer the attendees a great opportunity to exchange knowledge and network with colleges from another engineering institute. The joint congress features a robust technical program of sessions focusing on geotechnical, structural, professional practice, and blended topics. <...>
Geotechnical engineering differs from other forms of engineering by the composition of ground, which is composed of a wide range of solids with discontinuities, pores fluids and structures. These different elements composing the ground interact with one another increasing the complexity of any prediction. In traditional geotechnical analysis, limit equilibrium methods (LEM) are useful techniques for estimating the onset of failure.
We were once emailed a long list of questions, arranged with paragraph‐sized spaces below each question for our detailed answers and including photos of specific cored fractures, from a student starting to work on fractured cores. The questions were both basic and important, and included queries such as: Are both the slabs and butt of the cores used in fracture studies? How do you distinguish extension from shear fractures?