Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Dvorkin J., Mavko G., Mukerji T.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2009 г., 524 стр., ISBN: 978-0-511-65062-8
The rock physics handbook. Tools for seismic analysis of porous media / Справочник по физике горных пород. Инструменты для сейсмического анализа пористых сред

The science of rock physics addresses the relationships between geophysical observations and the underlying physical properties of rocks, such as composition, porosity, and pore fluid content. The Rock Physics Handbook distills a vast quantity of background theory and laboratory results into a series of concise, self-contained chapters, which can be quickly accessed by those seeking practical solutions to problems in geophysical data interpretation.

Автор(ы):Csisz´ar I., Shields P.C.
Издание:2004 г., 115 стр.
Information theory and statistics. A tutorial / Теория информации и статистика. Учебное пособие

This tutorial is concerned with applications of information theory concepts in statistics, in the finite alphabet setting. The information measure known as information divergence or Kullback-Leibler distance or relative entropy plays a key role, often with a geometric flavor as an analogue of squared Euclidean distance, as in the concepts of I-projection, I-radius and I-centroid. The topics covered include large deviations, hypothesis testing, maximum likelihood estimation in exponential families, analysis of contingency tables, and iterative algorithms with an “information geometry” background. Also, an introduction is provided to the theory of universal coding, and to statistical inference via the minimum description length principle motivated by that theory. <...>

Редактор(ы):Gubbins D., Herrero-Bervera E.
Издание:Springer, 2007 г., 1071 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4020-3992-8
Encyclopedia of geomagnetism and paleomagnetism / Энциклопедия геомагнетизма и палеомагнетизма

Geomagnetism is the study of the earth's magnetic field: its measurement, variation in time and space, origins, and its use in helping us to understand more about our Earth. Paleomagnetism is the study of the record left in the rocks; it has contributed much to our understanding of the geomagnetic field's past behavior and many other aspects of geology and earth history.

Редактор(ы):Delipetrov T., Rasson J.L.
Издание:Springer, 2006 г., 357 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4020-5024-4
Geomagnetics for aeronautical safety. A case study in and around the Balkans / Геомагнетизм для обеспечения безопасности полетов. Тематическое исследование на Балканах и за их пределами

Data on the geomagnetic field in the Balkan region and state borders were regarded as confidential information for a long time. Unfortunately this meant that geomagnetic field information was confidential information. The Republic of Macedonia was in a complicated situation because geomagnetic investigations were carried out by experts from Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro. When Macedonia became an independent country, a team of experts from the Faculty of Mining and Geology, Department for Geology and Geophysics in Stip and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Institute of Physics in Skopje, started activities to establish a Geomagnetic Observatory in Macedonia. In the last four years, with the help of Dr. Jean Rasson from Institut Royal Météorologique, Centre du Physique du Globe in Dourbes, Belgium, a network of 15 repeat stations for measurement of the geomagnetic field in the Republic of Macedonia was created. For the first time since independence, all elements of geomagnetic field were determined <...>

Издание:Institute of Physical Publishing, 1996 г., 396 стр., ISBN: 0-7503-0052-3
Geoelectromagnetic waves / Геоэлектромагнитные волны

This book is devoted to the theory of geoelectromagnetic oscillations and waves, i.e. waves of natural origin arising in the Earth’s crust, in the ocean, in the atmosphere, in the ionosphere, in the magnetosphere and in the interplanetary medium in front of the magnetosphere.
We have sought to give a simple and clear presentation of the physical picture of the waves. When selecting the material special attention was paid to the theoretical inferences that can be easily compared with the observational data. Complicated and unwieldy calculations were omitted where possible. At the same time, where formulae have been presented without derivation, we have tried to explain their physical meaning.

Издание:16 стр.
Data analysis center for geomagnetism and space magnetism, graduate school of science, Kyoto University / Центр анализа данных по геомагнетизму и космическому магнетизму, высшая научная школа Киотского университета

The Data Analysis Center for Geomagnetism and Space Magnetism has dual aspects: it is a facility of the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University and, at the same time, it is part of the international organization, World Data Centers.

Редактор(ы):Colombero C., Comina C., Godio A.
Издание:MDPI, 2020 г., 319 стр., ISBN: 978-3-03943-733-7
Remote sensing in applied geophysics / Дистанционное зондирование в прикладной геофизике

Chiara Colombero, Cesare Comina and Alberto Godio Special Issue “Remote Sensing in Applied Geophysics”
Edward R. Henry, Alice P. Wright, Sarah C. Sherwood, Stephen B. Carmody, Casey R. Barrier and Christopher Van de Ven Beyond Never-Never Land: Integrating LiDAR and Geophysical Surveys at the Johnston Site, Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Park, Tennessee, USA
Luca Piroddi, Sergio Vincenzo Calcina, Antonio Trogu and Gaetano Ranieri Automated Resistivity Profiling (ARP) to Explore Wide Archaeological Areas: The Prehistoric Site of Mont’e Prama, Sardinia, Italy
Rita Deiana, David Vicenzutto, Gian Piero Deidda, Jacopo Boaga and Michele Cupit `o Remote Sensing, Archaeological, and Geophysical Data to Study the Terramare Settlements: The Case Study of Fondo Paviani (Northern Italy)

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