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Drilling engineering. A complete well planning approach / Проектирование бурения. Комплексный подход к планированию скважины

Автор(ы):Adams N.J.
Издание:Pennwell Books, 1985 г., 848 стр., ISBN: 0-87814-265-7
Drilling engineering. A complete well planning approach / Проектирование бурения. Комплексный подход к планированию скважины

Many people and companies must be acknowledged for their assistance in the preparation of this book. Undoubtably, I will fail to mention all of them. To them 1 sincerely apologize for the oversight.
Above all else, I must acknowledge the ladies in my life who tolerated my moodiness. Crystal Adams gave to this effort in ways that 1 probably will never know or understand. My daughters, Donna and Holly, were deprived of a daddy on many occasions when I felt obligated to write, proofread, or research. To these ladies, I say “thank you” or “I’m sorry,” whichever seems most appropriate.
Tommie Charrier must be given credit for his valuable assistance during the last stages of the book. Tommie spent countless hours researching, proofreading, and checking the problems as well as doing much of the dirt work. Undoubtably, tbe completion of this book would have been prolonged considerably without Tommie’s assistance. <...>

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