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Manual of petrographic methods
In this, the first attempt to give in English a comprehensive review of petrographic methods, it cannot be otherwise than that there should be many omissions—it is to be hoped not many errors. If any is found the author will be extremely glad to have his attention called to it, as he will also be for criticisms, or suggestions for additional material that should be included.
For more or less general information the author is indebted to the standard works of Rosenbusch and Wtilfing, Duparc and Pearce, Groth, Iddings, Miers, Tutton, and Wright. For permission to use certain figures he wishes to express his thanks to Professors Becke, Duparc, and Miers, and Doctor Wright, and to the manufacturers of certain apparatus for the use of electrotypes. The half-tones of the interference figures are reproduced from the late Doctor Hauswaldt's magnificent Interferencerscheinungen im polarisirten Lichte, and are given with the kind consent of Frau Hauswaldt. The author has to express his appreciation to the attendants at the John Crerar Library for their uniform courtesy in obtaining for him the innumerable volumes consulted in this work, and especially for their efforts to find the proper volumes of the numerous publications to which wrong citations were given by other writers. To Professor G. W. Myers he is indebted for certain mathematical demonstrations. Most especially he desires to thank Professor A. C. Lunn, of the University of Chicago, who has placed him under great obligations by critically reading those parts of the manuscript dealing with lenses and light, and for giving him valuable suggestions. Finally his thanks, and the thanks of all petrographers to whom this book may prove useful, are due to the publishers for their willingness to issue a work of this kind, which must necessarily have a limited circulation