Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Редактор(ы):Evans D.J.A.
Издание:Wiley Blackwell, 2018 г., 395 стр., ISBN: 978-1-119-06811-2
Till: A glacial process sedimentology / Тиллиты. Ледниковая седиментология

The process sedimentology of tills is crucial to the understanding of the glacier ice–bed interface as a complex depositional, erosional and shear boundary layer. Consequently, it also plays a central role in deciphering the genesis of enigmatic subglacial bedforms such as drumlins, flutings and ribbed terrain. Yet, unlike the study of other boundary layers such as those that operate at the bed of fluvial, aeolian and deep water systems, our knowledge of subglacial process–formrelationships is relatively impoverished, largely due to the inaccessibility of glacier and ice sheet beds.

ТематикаЧетвертичная геология
Редактор(ы):Fairbridge R.W.
Издание:1963 г., 439 стр.
Erosion and sedimentation / Эрозия и отложение осадков

Geology today demands the knowledge of a large number of fundamental ideas which are provided by neighboring sciences. The student, or the geologist at the beginning of his career, runs the risk of losing himself in a multitude of details and complications, which will seldom be useful to him. To guide him, we have endeavored to prepare a work which is easy to read, not overburdened with tables and graphs, and which avoids swamping the reader with all the details of many specialized disciplines. Our aim is to stress the general facts and to bring out the conclusions which will enable the reader to reconstruct the great events that have taken place in the past on the surface of the earth. <...>

ТематикаЛитология, Стратиграфия
Редактор(ы):Huneke H., Mulder T., van Loon A.J.
Издание:Elsevier, 2011 г., 850 стр., ISBN: 978-0-444-53000-4
Deep-sea sediments / Глубоководное осадкообразование

Torsten Bickert Zentrum fu¨r Marine Umweltwissenschaften, Universita¨t Bremen, Germany
Steven N. Carey Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett,
Rhode Island, USA Jean-Claude Fauge`res Universite´ de Bordeaux, UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC, Talence Cedex, France
Rudiger Henrich Department of Sedimentology and Paleoceanography, Faculty of Geosciences, University of Bremen, klagenfurter Straße, Bremen, and Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universita¨t Bremen, Germany
Reinhard Hesse Earth and Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

ТематикаЛитология, Стратиграфия
Автор(ы):Maynard J.B.
Издание:Springer-Verlag, New York, 1983 г., 305 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4613-9495-2
Geochemistry of sedimentary ore deposits / Геохимия осадочных рудных месторождений

This book is an outgrowth of my interest in the chemistry of sedimentary rocks. In teaching geochemistry, I realized that the best examples for many chemical processes are drawn from the study of ore deposits. Consequently, we initiated a course at The University of Cincinnati entitled "Sedimentary Ore Deposits," which serves as the final quarter course for both our sedimentary petrology and our ore deposits sequence, and this book is based on that teaching experience. Because of my orientation, the treatment given is perhaps more sedimentological than is usually found in books on ore deposits, but I hope that this proves to be an advantage. It will also be obvious that I have drawn heavily on the ideas and techniques of Robert Garrels.

ТематикаГеохимия, Полезные ископаемые
Редактор(ы):Camerlenghi A., Rebesco M.
Издание:Elsevier, 2008 г., 652 стр., ISBN: 978-0-444-52998-5
Contourites / Контуриты

Contourites are sediments deposited or substantially reworked by bottom currents. The study of contourites is nowadays crucial for several fields of fundamental and applied research:
1. palaeoclimatology and palaeoceanography, since these fairly continuous and relatively high-resolution sediments hold the key for priceless information on the variability in ocean circulation patterns, current velocities, oceanographic history and basin interconnectivity;

ТематикаЛитология, Историческая геология
Редактор(ы):Hastings B.S., Kendall C.G.S.C., Posamentier H., Ross C.A., Wagoner J.V., Wilgus C.K.
Издание:Society of Economic Geologists Paleontologists and Mineralogists, 1988 г., 410 стр., ISBN: 9781565760899
Sea-level changes: An integrated approach / Изменение уровня моря: комплексный подход

In October 1985, SEPM sponsored a four-day conference entitled "Sea-Level Changes—An Integrated Approach." The conference was organized by Everest Geotech, Inc., and hosted by Transco Exploration Company in Houston, Texas. Co-conveners of the conference were Dr. Cheryl Wilgus of Everest Geotech, Inc., Dr. Walter C. Pitman of Lamont-Dougherty Oceanographic Institute, and Dr. Christopher G. St. C. Kendall of the University of South Carolina.

Автор(ы):Павлов А.П.
Издание:Государственное издательство, Москва, 1922 г., 87 стр.
Морское дно и созданные морем геологические напластования

Быть - может, многим из читателей случалось видеть море, то спокойное и блещущее торжественной красой, то бурное, мрачное и угрожающее, и иногда .задуматься о том, что скрывает под собою эта необъятная масса вод. Зто выражение — необъятная, вовсе не преувеличено.

ТематикаРаритет, Стратиграфия
Издание 3
Редактор(ы):Reading H.G.
Издание:Blackwell, 2009 г., 703 стр., ISBN: 978-0-6320-3627-1
Sedimentary environments: processes, facies and stratigraphy / Осадочные среды: процессы, фации и стратиграфия

The first edition of this book was conceived in 1974 to provide a comprehensive text, covering modern and ancient environments, suitable for advanced university students, research workers and professional geologists. To cover all environments and facies with the authority of an active research worker, we formed a group of authors who knew each other well and shared a similar philosophical view. We could criticize, amend and integrate each other's contributions, while retaining individual styles and responsibility for each chapter.

ТематикаЛитология, Историческая геология
Автор(ы):Carroll J., Lerche I.
Издание:Elsevier, 2003 г., 272 стр., ISBN: 0-08-044300-1
Sedimentary processes. Quantification using redionuclides / Осадочные процессы. Количественная оценка с использованием радионуклидов

formations or indeed on any other process in which time played an integral and fundamental role. The advent of radionuclide dating, with the attendant absolute measure of age, changed the views of geology and processes that can occur in ways that have been of major significance. In addition, the radionuclides allow a direct comparison of absolute age to the prior proxies. Accordingly, not only had one available a true age dating but also a proxy scale that could be tie <...>

ТематикаЛитология, Геохимия, Стратиграфия
Автор(ы):Miall A.D.
Издание:Springer, 2014 г., 321 стр., ISBN: 978-3-319-00665-9
Fluvial depositional systems / Речные системы осадкообразования

This book is not a revised version of “The geology of fluvial deposits” (Miall 1996), but an entirely different product.
Much of the material in the 1996 book was compiled at a time when the methods of facies analysis and architectural element analysis were maturing and were becoming widely used by the sedimentological community. The lithofacies classification which I first proposed in 1977, and the method of architectural-element analysis, set out in major papers published in 1985 and 1988, were thoroughly documented in the 1996 book (Chaps. 5–7), and little has been done since then to require revisions or an upgrade.

ТематикаЛитология, Полезные ископаемые
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