Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Издание:1980 г., 6 стр.
Язык(и)Английский, Русский
A resource/reserve classification for minerals (Классификации ресурсов и запасов полезных ископаемых) USGS-1980

Through the years, geologists, mining engineers, and others operating in the minerals field have used various terms to describe and classify mineral resources, which as defined herein include energy materials. Some of these terms have gained wide use and acceptance, although they are not always used with precisely the same meaning.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collects information about the quantity and quality of all mineral resources. In 1976, the USGS and the U.S. Bureau of Mines developed a common classification and nomenclature, which was published as USGS Bulletin 1450-A—“Principles of the Mineral Resource Classification System of the U.S. Bureau of Mines and U.S. Geological Survey.” Experience with this resource classification system showed that some changes were necessary in order to make it more workable in practice and more useful in long-term planning. Therefore, representatives of the USGS and the U.S. Bureau of Mines collaborated to revise Bulletin 1450-A. Their work was published in 1980 as USGS Circular 831— “Principles of a Resource/Reserve Classification for Minerals. <...>

Автор(ы):Grauch V.J.S.
Издание:USGS, 2002 г., 14 стр.
High-resolution aeromagnetic survey to image shallow faults, Dixie Valley geothermal field, Nevada / Аэромагнитная съемка с высоким разрешением для получения изображений неглубоких разломов, Геотермальное месторождение Дикси-Вэлли, Невада

Understanding the relations between faults and the flow of thermal fluids is key to successful exploration for new geothermal resources in Dixie Valley and other Basin and Range geothermal systems. Mapping fault patterns within these basins and recognizing their connections at depth are key to improving this understanding. However, most of the faults are shallowly buried, making them difficult to locate and map. Moreover, drill holes and seismic profiles cannot give a comprehensive view of fault attitudes and patterns because the information they provide is only for limited areas.

МеткиUSGS, Аэромагнитная съемка, Месторождение Дикси-Вэлли, Невада, США

Металлогения Северо-Востока Азии

Владелец инбокса: kaptar.j

В настоящем инбоксе собраны архивы трех CD-дисков выпуска USGS:

1. Tectonic and metallogenic model for Northeast Asia / Тектоническая и металлогеническая модель для Северо-Восточной Азии (2011 г.)

2. Dynamic computer model for the metallogenesis and tectonics of the Circum-North Pacific / Динамическая компьютерная модель металлогенеза и тектоники северной части Тихого океана (2001 г.)

3. Geographic informatin systems (GIS) spatial data compilation of geodynamic, tectonic, metallogenic, mineral deposit and geophysical and associated descriptive data for Northeast Asia / Географические информационные системы (ГИС) - сбор пространственных данных по геодинамике, тектонике, металлогении, месторождениям полезных ископаемых, а также геофизических и связанных с ними описательных данных для Северо-Восточной Азии (2006 г.)

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Категория: Полезные ископаемые Метки: USGS,Металлогения,Поиски полезных ископаемых,
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