Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Издание:Deswik, 2011 г., 84 стр.
DeswikCAD basic design guide / DeswikCAD базовый курс по проектированию
ТематикаОткрытые горные выработки
Издание:Deswik, 2010 г., 85 стр.
Deswik.IS for open pits introductory training manual / Deswik.IS для открытых горных работ. Вводный курс

The following process flow illustrates the steps required to complete an open pit design by either slicing the pit into Bench’s by Elevations, or doing more detailed design and breaking it out into blast polygons <...>

ТематикаОткрытые горные выработки
Издание:Deswik, 2012 г., 12 стр.
Deswik scripting training manual / Руководство по написанию скриптов Deswik

This document provides an overview of the Deswik.CAD object model and scripting interface. The document does cover some specifics of the programming and vb language uses, but is not designed as an in depth programming reference.
The Deswik Scripting language closely follows the VB.NET Framework 4 as much as possible. Bearing in mind that it does NOT execute the code in the .NET JIT compiler (it has its own compiler). For this reason it is possible to use the Microsoft VB.NET web resources when looking for syntax information. There are likely some code syntaxes and methods which Deswik has not encountered. Should you find one of these cases please contact support and we will rectify as quickly as possible. <...>

ТематикаГорное дело
Издание:2022 г., 97 стр.
Deswik.IS. Dependencies for underground metals / Зависимости при подземной отработке полезных ископаемых

Azimuth and gradient search parameters allow the user to define the search direction of the spatial link. Azimuth search parameters can be used to link from undercut rings to first task in drawpoint drive using defined azimuth search direction, this will drive the direction of the SLC front. Gradient search parameters are similar, an example being stope linking in narrow vein steeply dipping stopes. <...>

Издание:Deswik, 2015 г., 190 стр.
Deswik. Training tutorial. Deswik.Sched. Gantt chart scheduling. Underground metals / Deswik. Учебное пособие. Планирование по диаграмме Ганта. Подземная добыча металлов

You can complete this training module in a self-paced environment or as a guided training course. You will use a variety of tools and functions within Deswik.Sched to complete the course.
This tutorial is a dual-purpose training module containing a mix of reading theory and practical exercis

Издание:2016 г., 201 стр.
Deswik. Training tutorial. Deswik.UGDB. Undeground drill & blast. Underground metals / Dewik. Учебное пособие. Подземное бурение и взрывание. Подземная добыча металлов

Fast, efficient drill and blast designs for underground mining methods.
This tutorial includes instructions and information on the Deswik.UGDB module in Deswik.CAD. You can then design and plot rings for a typical underground stoping operation.
You can then apply these concepts to other underground drill and blast design projects.

Издание:Deswik, 2013 г., 129 стр.
Deswik. Training tutorial. Introduction to Deswik.CAD. Design & solids modeling. Underground metals / Deswik. Учебное пособие. Введение в Deswik.CAD. Проектирование и моделирование твердых тел. Подземная добыча металлы

This tutorial provides an introduction to the common tools and functions contained within Deswik.CAD in an Underground Hard Rock operation, however as this tutorial is an introduction to Deswik.CAD functionality, the learning’s can be applied generally.
This tutorial is designed to be used in conjunction with the training data folder 4.01 Intro to CAD for  Underground Hard Rock containing all of the training data, software files and a completed set of CAD exercises.

ТематикаПодземные горные выработки
Издание:Deswik, 2013 г., 111 стр.
Deswik. Training tutorial. Deswik.SO. Stope optimizer / Deswik. Учебное пособие. Deswik.SO. Оптимизация выемочных единиц

Deswik.SO (Stope Optimizer) is a strategic mine planning tool that automates the design of stope shapes for a range of stoping methods for underground mines. The goal is to maximize the value of an orebody given the constraints using a certain mining method and design parameters. The outputs (stope wireframes, section strings and reports) are suitable for use in strategic and tactical planning <...>

Издание:Deswik, 239 стр.
Учебное руководство Deswik.CAD Инструменты проектирования для ПГР на рудных и нерудных месторождениях

Данный модуль можно изучить самостоятельно или в рамках учебного курса под руководством преподавателя. Для завершения этого курса вам понадобится использовать ряд инструментов и функций Deswik.CAD.

Настоящее руководство представляет собой комбинированный учебный модуль, содержащий теоретические сведения и практические задания. <...>

Издание:Deswik, 2013 г., 138 стр.
Deswik. Introduction to Deswik.CAD. Open pit hard rock. Training tutorial / Deswik. Введение в Deswik.CAD. Открытые горные выработки в скальных горных породах. Учебное пособие

This tutorial provides an introduction to the common tools and functions contained within Deswik.CAD in an Open Pit Hard Rock operation, however as this tutorial is an introduction to Deswik.CAD functionality, the learning’s can be applied generally.

This tutorial is designed to be used in conjunction with the training data folder 3.01 Intro to CAD Open Pit Hard Rock containing all of the training data, software files and a completed set of CAD exercises. <...>

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