Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Справочник содержит обширные сведения о современном оборудовании из химико-лабораторного стекла, выпускаемом в нашей стране и за рубежом. В книге описаны лабораторная посуда, приборы для дистилляции, очистки и синтеза, качественного и количественного анализа, соединительные элементы для сборки приборов, нагревательные элементы с токопроводящими покрытиями на стекле, комплектные лаборатории, приведены основные характеристики стекла, описаны приемы работы со стеклом. Справочник предназначается для широкого круга читателей, использующих в своей работе химическое стекло.
Книга представляется собой наиболее полную в мировой литературе сводку приложений рефрактометрии в различных областях химии и важнейших методов измерения показателей преломления с подробными указаниями по технике эксперимента
This book is a collection of reviews concerning the structural and coordination chemistry of actinide compounds. Over the past decade, these compounds have attracted considerable attention because of their importance for radioactive waste management, catalysis, ion-exchange and absorption applications, and various other applications. Synthetic and natural actinide compounds form as a result of alteration of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste under Earth surface conditions, during burn-up of nuclear fuel in reactors, and as oxidation products of uranium mines and mine tailings. Soils and sediments contaminated by actinides often contain such phases as well. Actinide compounds are also of considerable interest to materials scientists owing to the unique electronic properties of actinides which give rise to interesting physical properties that are controlled by the structural architecture of the respective compounds. <...>
The crust of the Earth is made up of rocks and soils, the latter produced by the weathering of rocks. Therefore, rocks and soils contain the same chemical elements, and their mineral composition is also similar. In addition, soils contain organic matter. Rocks are defined as incoherent, naturally formed substances, mostly composed of minerals. They can be classified as igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic, depending on their origin.
Many Earth science departments today recruit significant numbers of environmental geoscience students alongside mainstream geology or Earth science students. This student-led change in academic emphasis suggests that a successor to Chemical Fundamentals of Geology will meet the needs of students better if it covers the chemical foundations of environmental Earth science as well as geology. The shift in the emphasis of this new edition is reflected in its expanded title. <...>
Автор книги – лауреат конкурса Министерства общего и профессионального образования РФ по созданию учебников нового поколения по естественнонаучным дисциплинам для студентов вузов
Аналитическая химия, будучи наукой междисциплинарной, включает в себя множество разнообразных методов, использующих различные химические, физические, а, в последнее время, и биологические явления.
Green Chemistry and the Ten Commandments of Sustainability, 2nd ed, was written to provide an overview of the emerging discipline of green chemistry along with the fundamental chemical principles needed to understand this science. The second edition follows the first edition published in 2004 under the title of Green Chemistry: Fundamentals of Sustainable Chemical Science and Technology, from which it differs by the inclusion of an additional chapter, Chapter 14, “The Ten Commandments of Sustainability.”
Acid rain is used loosely to describe both acidic gases in the atmosphere and, more precisely, rain, mist or snow containing acid compounds of sulphur and nitrogen. Two main gases contribute to the formation of acid rain: sulphur(IV) oxide (SO2), produced by burning fossil fuels which contain sulphur, such as coal and oil; and oxides of nitrogen (NOx), which are formed when anything is burnt. The formation of acids from these gases and the way in which they move through the atmosphere are also affected by other pollutants, including ozone. The main sources of sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen are power stations which burn fossil fuels, other large industrial combustion plants and motor vehicles <...>
Environmental chemistry, Seventh Edition, continues much the same organizational structure, level, and emphasis that have been developed through preceding editions. In addition to providing updated material in the rapidly developing area of environmental chemistry, this edition emphasizes several major concepts that are proving essential to the practice of environmental chemistry at the beginning of the new millennium.