Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Hay R.L.
Издание:Department of Geology Science, 1952 г., 266 стр.
Stratigraphy of the lower volcanic rocks in the southern part of the Absaroka Range, Wyoming / Стратиграфия нижних вулканических пород в южной части хребта Абсарока, штат Вайоминг

The present study is a report on the volcanic deposits which form the southern part of the Absaroka Range and which occur in the adjoining region in northwestern T/yoraing* This investigation has been undertaken with the object of eliminating discrepancies in correlation within the lower subdivisions of the Absaroka Range, chiefly between the Bighorn and Wind River basins.

ТематикаВулканология, Стратиграфия
Автор(ы):Harrison J.E.
Издание:Urbana, 1948 г., 87 стр.
Relationship between structure and mineralogy of the Sherman granite, southern part of the Laramie Range, Wyoming-Colorado / Взаимоотношения между структурами и минералогией гранитов Шерман, южная часть хребта Ларамье, Вайоминг-Колорадо

Recent quantitative studies of gneisses in the Laramie Range by Newhouse and Hagner (1947) have resulted in the idea that structure of the host rock is a dominant factor controlling the composition of gneisses and schists. The Sherman granite, which is exposed in the southern part of the Laramie Range (Fig. 1), was selected for a quantitative study for three reasons: (1) a similar study had been made by Newhouse and Hagner on associated gneissic rocks which made it possible to correlate and compare results; {'d) most of the geologic contacts were mapioed previously, and thus nearly all of the field time could be devoted to a study of the granite; and (3) the area is of batholithic dimensions and is readily accessible. The problem was to determine whether any relationship existed between structure and composition of the granite, to explain the significance of any correlation or lack of correlation discovered, and to determine the relation of the Sherman granite to the Raggedtop gneisses studied by Newhouse and Hagner. <...>

ТематикаМинералогия, Петрография
МеткиВайоминг, Граниты, Граниты Шерман, Колорадо, США, хребет Ларамье
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