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Автор(ы):Davidson J., Mpodozis C.
Издание:1991 г., 13 стр.
Regional geologic setting of epithermal gold deposits, Chile / Региональные геологические условия эпитермальных золоторудных месторождений, Чили

Epithermal gold deposits in Chile are Cretaceous to Cenozoic in age. The ores and the volcanic rocks with which they are associated were generated at a noncollisional, ocean-continent convergent plate margin. They are related to long, slightly sinuous north-northeasttrending magmatic belts roughly parallel to the Pacific coast. Most of the deposits are associated with eroded volcanic centers and subvolcanic porphyries. North-south variations in the nature, extent, and timing of magmatism control the succession of mineralization events. In the Late Cretaceous, vein districts (e.g., E1 Bronce) and hydrothermal alteration zones were formed in central Chile.

Автор(ы):Belmar M., Boyce A.J., Carrillo-Rosua J., Fallick A.E., Hach-Ali P.F., Morales-Ruano S., Morata D.
Издание:20 стр.
Mineralogy and geochemistry of El Dorado epithermal gold deposit, El Sauce district, central-northern Chile / Минералогия и геохимия эпитермального месторождения золота Эльдорадо, район Эль-Соус, центрально-северное Чили

The El Dorado Au-Cu deposit is located in an extensive intra-caldera zone of hydrothermal alteration affecting Upper Cretaceous andesites of the Los Elquinos Formation at La Serena ( 29470 S Lat., 70430 W Long., Chile). Quartz-sulfide veins of economic potential are hosted by N25W and N20E fault structures associated with quartz-illite alteration (þsupergene kaolinite).

Автор(ы):Flores G., Karzulovic A.
Издание:24 стр.
The role of the geotechnical group in an open pit: Chuquicamata Mine, Chile / Роль геотехнической группы на открытом карьере: шахта Чукикамата, Чили

The purpose of this paper is to present the way how the Geotechnical Group of Chuquicamata Division works on geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological characterizations, analysis and design of slopes, the control of slope excavation to develop the proposed designs, and the monitoring and control of slope behavior. On the other hand, it also describes the interaction of this group with the Planning and Mine Operation groups, and the applied research and technological innovation that the Geotechnical Group develops in order to maintain a continuous improvement and, at the same time, to secure the fulfillment of mid and long term mining plans. <...>

Автор(ы):Perello J., Sillitoe R.H.
Издание:Society of Economic Geologists, 2024 г., 9 стр.
Porphyry copper recurrence in the Andes of Chile and Argentina / Цикличность медно-порфировых систем в Чилийских и Аргентинских Андах

Porphyry Cu deposits in the Chilean and Argentinian central Andes occur in a series of orogen-parallel magmatic arcs, which migrated episodically eastward since the Early Cretaceous. The three Cenozoic belts, corresponding to Paleocene-early Eocene, middle Eocene-early Oligocene, and Miocene-early Pliocene epochs, cut obliquely across a composite belt of subeconomic porphyry Cu mineralization formed at several times during the Late Carboniferous to Triassic interval.

ТематикаГеохимия, Полезные ископаемые
Редактор(ы):Díaz-Naveas J., Frutos J.
Издание:Comite Oceanografico Nacional Chile, 2010 г., 115 стр., ISBN: 978-956-235-026-6
Geologia marina de Chile / Морская геология Чили

El concepto de espacios marítimos, su extensión y límites, así como las actividades de los Estados, las personas y las comunidades costeras, entre otros temas, son hechos tan antiguos como la humanidad misma. Durante el siglo pasado el derecho del mar experimentó un cambio notable en cuanto a la expansión del Estado hacia la alta mar, el establecimiento de un régimen para los fondos marinos y el cambio cualitativo de los derechos y regímenes aplicables en los océanos.

ТематикаРегиональная геология
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