Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Австралийские протерозойские месторождения железо-оксид-медь-золотых м-й: обзор с новыми металлогеническими и геологоразведочными данными из района Клонкарри, Северо-Западный Квинсленд.
Enigmatic hydrothermal vein/breccia/replacement Cu-Au deposits with magnetite and/or hematite are well-represented in Australian 1850 Ma to 1500 Ma terrains and associated with different-aged synorogenic intrusions in the Tennant Creek Block (ca. 1850 Ma); the Gawler-Curnamona region (1640 Ma to 1590 Ma); and the Cloncurry district (Mount Isa Eastern Fold Belt, 1540 Ma to 1500 Ma with a possible earlier event at ca. 1600 Ma). No deposits are known to be coeval with various 1780 Ma to 1610 Ma anorogenic intrusions. Deposits are hosted by many different rock-types with varying metamorphic grade including granites and various supracrustal rocks. Depth of mineralization varied from many kilometers in semiductile crust (e.g., Cloncurry deposits) to very shallow (e.g., Olympic Dam).
Ivanhoe Australia Limited (Ivanhoe) commissioned SRK Consulting (Australasia) Pty Ltd (SRK) to prepare a Technical Report in line with Canadian and internationally recognised National Instrument 43-101 reporting standards and Form 43-101F1, for mining activities at the Osborne Open Pit, Osborne Underground and Kulthor Underground deposits. Ivanhoe is an Australian-based Resource company listed on both the Australian Securities Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange as IVA. It has assembled a significant package of Mineral Resources in the highly mineralised Cloncurry district, near Mt Isa, Queensland. Exploration success so far has revealed a portfolio of copper, molybdenum, rhenium and gold Mineral Resources. This report considers only the copper and gold assets which include the Osborne deposits and Kulthor deposit. Ivanhoe purchased the Osborne copper-gold assets from Barrick in 2010 <...>
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