Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Constitutive models are fundamental training for graduate students in geotechnical engineering. For a long time, however, these models have lacked a simple and easy-to-understand platform for learning, training and practice between the theory and practice of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering. Many engineers and practitioners, and even some researchers, have reservations about this topic. There is a mismatch between research and application. Especially in recent years, constitutive models aiming at refined simulations have been continuously developed, with increasing complexity and parameters. In addition, difficulties in parameter calibration have given rise to barriers to their use in geotechnical engineering. Therefore, the establishment of a simple, easy-to-understand, easy-to-use learning, training and practice platform can serve as a bridge between theory and practice. This book, with its supporting platform software, is a welcome attempt to make constitutive models more accessible to both researchers and practitioners alike. <...>
Цель этого курса - построить 3D модель, содержащую разломы, горизонты и свойства. По этой модели будут проведены подсчет запасов, проектирование свойств и подготовка карт для печати. Вы научитесь загружать данные, строить разломы по исходным данным разных типов, строить грид по модели разломов и вставлять в него горизонты (во временном домене). Затем мы преобразуем в глубину созданные горизонты (и весь грид) и разобьем модель на зоны и слои. После этого на основании информации со сквпжин мы рассчитаем петрофизические свойства модели.
This book is a follow-up to a Geological Society of London conference with the same title, held in urlington House, London, in February 2000. Following the conference it was decided to compile a Special Publication based in part on papers presented at the conference and in part on papers that were added later to form a balanced content. The content of New Insights into Structural Interpretation and Modelling presents a balanced overview of what the title promises. It is intended as a book that will serve the experienced professional as well as more advanced students in Earth sciences with a wide range of topics described in high quality publications. Some chapters are by leaders in the field, other chapters are written by young authors with fresh ideas.
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