Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
The James Ross Basin, at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, provides the thickest and best-exposed onshore Cretaceous and Early Tertiary sedimentary succession in Antarctica. When compared with other onshore sections, it is clear that the area has a much broader significance as a key reference section for the Cretaceous and Early Tertiary throughout the Southern Hemisphere. The sedimentary record exposed within the basin also provides an unrivalled opportunity to unlock the record of climate change and biotic response within a high-palaeolatitude setting.
James Ross Island was first visited during the heroic age of polar exploration at the start of the 20th century. Swedish geologist Otto Nordenskj61d sailed into the region in 1901 in his ship Antarctic, captained by explorer and sealer Carl Larsen. Plans to spend a year in the region for scientific exploration went disastrously wrong when his ship sank near Paulet Island, forcing Nordenskj61d to spend over 2 years in a small hut on Snow Hill Island. Members of his ship-wrecked party survived in horrific conditions, with only penguins for food and small stone huts for shelter at Hope Bay, at the tip of Trinity Peninsula, and also on Paulet Island.<...>
В сборнике приводятся статьи, содержащие новые сведения по метеорологии южного полушария, результаты геологических исследований, проведенных в Восточной Антарктиде и в морях Уэдделла и Росса. В статьях, посвященных гляциологическим исследованиям, рассматриваются состав и строение материкового льда, термомеханика айсбергов, дается оценка реологических параметров льда. Освещаются результаты биологических и медицинских исследований
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