Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Спирин В.И.
Издание:SRK, Москва, 2021 г., 92 стр.
Регулирование вопросов устойчивости откосов карьеров в России

Федеральные нормы и правила в области промышленной безопасности «правила обеспечения устойчивости бортов и уступов карьеров, разрезов и откосов отвалов». 2021 г.

Издание 2
Редактор(ы):Bhattacharya G., Chowdhury R., Metya S.
Издание:CRC Press, 2024 г., 822 стр., ISBN: 9781138000117
Geotechnical slope analysis / Геотехнический анализ откосов

The construction, design, remediation and maintenance of slopes have always formed an important area of geotechnical engineering, which is often termed as ‘slope engineering’. A wide variety of applications of slope engineering include excavations, hill roads, railway lines, embankments, earth dams, reservoirs, open-cut mines, urban development of hilly areas, protection of river banks and coastal slope stability.

Автор(ы):Sainsbury B.L., Sainsbury D.P.
Издание:2015 г., 13 стр.
Three-dimensional analysis of pit slope stability in anisotropic rock masses / Трехмерный анализ устойчивости откосов карьеров в анизотропных массивах горных пород

Anisotropic and foliated rock masses, the behaviour of which are dominated by closely spaced planes of weakness, present particular difficulties in the assessment of pit slope stability. Various numerical modelling techniques are available that explicitly simulate the joints and discontinuities within an anisotropic rock mass. However, due to the computational intensity of these numerical techniques, it is not practical to explicitly simulate the joint fabric of an entire three-dimensional pit slope for routine stability assessment. In order to simulate the effects of anisotropic rock mass strength and deformation behaviour on pit slope stability, a modelling methodology has been developed to account for rock mass anisotropy and scale effects using a continuum based ubiquitous joint constitutive model. This paper outlines the anisotropic modelling methodology and presents a series of demonstration models that have been used to validate the technique.  <...>

Автор(ы):Coli N., Eken G., Farina P., Ketizmen H., Yon R.
Издание:7 стр.
Efficient real time stability monitoring of mine walls: the  Çöllolar Mine case study / Эффективный мониторинг устойчивости стенок шахты в режиме реального времени: на примере шахты "Келлолар"

Slope monitoring radar has emerged in the last ten years as a leading edge tool for monitoring movements in open pit mines, thanks to the ability to rapidly measure wall movements with millimetric accuracy over wide areas in any weather conditions. IBIS-M is an innovative interferometric radar able to provide high spatial resolution, long working distances and fast acquisition time. The first IBIS-M unit deployed in Turkey was installed in 2011 at the large lignite open pit Çöllolar Mine operated by Park Teknik. The geotechnical staff has now 24/7 real time monitoring of the slope stability with a wide coverage on the pit walls with the capability to detect the onset of wall movements far before the occurrence of failure, thus increasing the safety standards and productivity of the mine. The IBIS-M monitoring experience at Çöllolar mine is presented in this paper. <...>

ТематикаОткрытые горные выработки
Автор(ы):Bar N., Weekes G.
Издание:Australian Geomechanics, 2017 г., 14 стр.
Directional shear strength models in 2D and 3D limit equilibrium analyses to assess the stability of anisotropic rock slopes in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia / Модели прочности на сдвиг в двухмерном и трехмерном измерениях для оценки устойчивост

Модели прочности на сдвиг в двухмерном и трехмерном измерениях для оценки устойчивости анизотропных горных склонов в регионе Пилбара в Западной Австралии.


The bedded iron ore and gold deposits in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia are hosted in highly anisotropic rock masses. For iron ore, these comprise strong banded iron formations discretely interbedded with very weak shales. Gold and other precious metals deposits in the same region are hosted by interbedded siltstones, sandstone and quartzites. Slope instability mechanisms generally involve sliding along bedding planes combined with joints or faults acting as release planes.

Автор(ы):Бушков В.К., Шеметов Р.С.
Издание:2020 г., 15 стр., УДК: 622.28
Определение устойчивости и обоснование систем крепления горных выработок  при переходе к отработке Олимпиадинского месторождения подземным способом

Рассмотрен порядок и принципы выбора систем крепления горизонтальных и наклонных подземных горных выработок при последовательном переходе от открытых к подземным горным работам в условиях Олимпиадинского месторождения, в Красноярском крае. Особенностью данного исследования является то, что оно выполнено на базе информации о массиве горных пород, полученной на стадии ведения открытых горных работ.

Автор(ы):Макаров А.Б.
Издание:SRK, Москва, 2022 г., 39 стр.
Оценка устойчивости потолочин у земной поверхности
Автор(ы):Макаров А.Б.
Издание:SRK, Москва, 2022 г., 57 стр.
Оценка устойчивости камер и целиков
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