Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
It is with deep regret to report that ‘Palaeoecology of Africa (PoA)’ lost two of its long-time editorial board members: the German-born, US-American geographer, palaeoecologist and archaeologist, Karl W. Butzer in 2016; and the French palaeobiologist (diatom specialist), palaeoclimatologist and palaeohydrologist, Françoise Gasse in 2014. Both supported and accompanied over many years the long-term success story of PoA.
I take pleasure in presenting a further edition (volume 32) of the internationally recognized and acclaimed series ‘Palaeoecology of Africa’ (PoA). Already since 1966 the series has published a large number of interdisciplinary scientific papers on landscape evolution and on former environments of selected areas within the African continent. Since the re-edition and re-launch of ‘Palaeoecology of Africa’ in 2007/2008 it is the fifth volume of the yearbook series that follows the new concept and layout under the restructured editorial board and by support of the publishing houses Routledge and CRC Press. Therefore, the ambitious goal of the editorial board and its editor in chief to have one book a year was almost reached. Many thanks go to all the contributing authors, colleagues and friends who directly and indirectly contributed during the last years to make this re-edition of ‘Palaeoecology of Africa’ a reality and a success. <...>
Carthaginian, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Ottoman, Italian, and Allied military control after the Second World War. There was little organised scientific activity before the annexation of Libya by Italy in 1911, although a number of expeditions, some with scientific interests, passed through Libya in the 19th century. The main objective of these expeditions, mostly organised by the London-based African Association, was to explore the region southwards from Murzuq to Timbuktu, determine the course of the Niger River and assess the commercial potential of the area. The earliest of these expeditions was undertaken by Friedrich Hornemann who travelled with a camel caravan from Egypt into Libya passing through the oases of Siwa and Awjilah, and then across the Haruj al Aswad to Murzuq, and subsequently to Tripoli.
Справочник «Страны Африки: минеральные ресурсы» содержит информационно-статистические материалы по 48 странам континентальной Африки и Республике Мадагаскар. Справочник содержит общие сведения о стране, ее населении, экономике, внешней экономической деятельности, состоянии минерально-сырьевой базы основных видов твердых полезных ископаемых и производстве основных видов товарной минерально-сырьевой продукции. Также приведена общая характеристика законодательства в области лицензирования недропользования.
Satellite remote sensing technology has progressed to advanced levels of practical application, particularly in the areas of optical and radar imagery. Optical imagery can be utilised to map lithological details as well as identifying mineral deposits. The multi-parameter imaging radar proved useful in mapping structures as well as estimating surface roughness. In addition, new satellite sensors are planned for the next few years which promise better spectral and spatial resolutions. <...>
The status of sampling practices in the Gold Mining Industry in Africa was determined as an initial step in a process to standardise sampling practices in the Mining Industry. Several mines, metallurgical plants and laboratories were visited and the status of equipment, standards and procedures were rated to determine the potential influence of the relevant sampling errors on each component of the particular sampling system.
Редкодетальные гранитные пегматиты, несмотря на имеющиеся публикации, продолжают привлекать внимание геологов, так как для ряда редких элементов (Li, Cs, Та) остаются и по настоящее время наиболее важными (если не единственными) промышленными типами руд. Поэтому появление в печати работ Варламова Н. по классическим редкометальным пегматитам африканского континента и Мадагаскара является событием значительной важности. В них суммирован большой фактический материал по закономерностям пространственного размещения гранитных пегматитов и предложена классификация пегматитов по типам редкометального оруденения. В разработке систематики гранитных пегматитов Н.Варламов во многом остается последователем школы А.Е.Ферсмана.
These bibliographies and the notes that accompany them have been prepared to aid the economic geologist in his study of ore deposits; they certainly will not do all his work for him. I have tried to include all ore districts in Africa, Asia (exclusive of the U.S.S.R.) and Australasia for which sufficient material is available in print to permit a student of ore deposits to obtain a real understanding of any one of the deposits. I have tried to include as many references as possible in languages other than English. <...>
1. Создание прогнозных карт урана типа "несогласия" на основе нечетко-логического моделирования минеральнго потенциала МРМ. Бассейн Атабаска (Канада). СЗ МакАртур (Австралия)
2. Региональное прогнозирование вольфрама, олова и ниобий-тантала на основе нечетко-логического моделирования минерального потенциала МРМ интегрированныя информация по Руанде (Центральная Африка)
This book is intended primarily for the student of African geomorphology. Its originality lies in the fact that, with the exception of certain glacial and periglacial features, the examples are drawn entirely from Africa. More than ten years have passed since I first discovered to my amazement that throughout large parts of Africa most physical geography textbooks and much teaching involved the use of European or North American examples. Now, while there is an enormous volume of literature on African geomorphology in various academic journals and research bulletins, these are frequently inaccessible to students or else are published in foreign languages. It is my belief, therefore, that there has long been a need in schools and colleges for a basic text utilising this vast fund of knowledge. I hope that, in part, the present book may satisfy this need.