Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Rare Earth Oxides are used in mature markets (such as catalysts, glassmaking and metallurgy), which account for 59% of the total worldwide consumption of rare earth elements, and in newer, high-growth markets (such as battery alloys, ceramics, and permanent magnets), which account for 41% of the total worldwide consumption of rare earth elements.
The economics of the resources industry are unique. All mining is subject to uncertainties not applicable to other industries. Every mine is different. Industry economics are difficult to quantify and categorize. Information is very costly. In major mining countries, there is now a real dichotomy.
Mining capital is capital required to develop mines from exploration, feasibility studies, mine design, construction, and commissioning to operation; capital to refinance and modernize old mines; capital to purchase mining, processing, and related mine infrastructure equipment; and capital to acquire mines. The supply of commodities remains vital to the development of modern society.
Рассмотрен комплекс вопросов, определяющих экономику горно-добывающего производства и его предприятий. В том числе: объект конкретной экономики – минерально-ресурсный потенциал страны, методы его экономической оценки, производственный потенциал горной промышленности, его роль и значение в народном хозяйстве России; производственные ресурсы горных предприятий и результаты их использования в процессе добычи полезных ископаемых; методы оценки эффективности реализации инвестиционных проектов, внедрение новой техники и другие вопросы. Материал учебника проиллюстрирован конкретными статистическими данными и необходимыми разработками
Для студентов высших учебных заведений, обучающихся по специальности «Экономика и управление на предприятии (горная промышленность)» по направлению подготовки дипломированных специалистов «Горное дело». Может быть полезен экономистам и инженерно-техническим работникам горно-добывающих отраслей промышленности
Air, sea, surface water and soil support life, from which comes our food; the fossil remains of life, that is: coal, oil and gas, together with solar and terrestrial radiation provide energy; but almost all the artifacts of human civilization are made from substances taken from the earth's crust.
What is economic geology? It may be defined as the study of geological bodies and materials that may be useful to mankind. The materials included are fuels, metallic and non-metallic minerals, rocks and water. This book will exclude considerations of water and building materials, and will concentrate on ores and fuels.
Some people may say that economic geology is a subdiscipline within the geological sciences, but this is not strictly correct, for it is unlike other su}?disciplines, such as palaeontology, igneous petrology, structural geology, and so on, which all go to make up the science of geology, for each of these can exist independently. Economic geology cannot exist as a separate discipline, for it has to be based on the broad spectrum of the geological sciences.
The first edition of this book appeared at the end of 1942. Since that time war and post-war readjustment has forcibly demonstrated the extent to which the materials of the mineral kingdom constitute the backbone of industrial life and peace-time economic development of nations. Former bountiful supplies now show serious depletion, and nations of the world are looking farther and farther afield for those miiieral supplies necessary to their subsistence. This book deals with' such mineral deposits, how they are formed, what they are, how and where they occur, and what they are used for. Its chief purpose is as a textbook, designed both for elementary and more advanced courses. The first edition was in demand also as a source of information to all those interested in mineral deposits and in the mineral industry. <...>
There are many critical nodes along the mine value chain, from orebody to mineral product, and inter-disciplinary input is required to analyse the variability and uncertainty at each node in order to identify and mitigate areas of risk. Mining differs from many other industries in that the variability in the product is dictated largely by the inherent nature of the input material (the orebody).
The purpose of this publication is to make an extended price history for a wide range of metals available in a single document. Such information can be useful for the analysis of mineralcommodity issues, as well as for other purposes. The chapter for each mineral commodity includes a graph of annual current and constant dollar prices for 1959 through 1998, where available; a list of significant events that affected prices; a brief discussion of the metal and its history; and one or more tables that list current dollar prices.