Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Georg Petersen’s Minería y Metalurgia en el Antiguo Perú was originally published in Spanish in 1970 through the Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, in Lima, Perú. Colleague, editor, and friend, Professor Duccio Bonavia, an archaeologist at the Academia Peruana de la Historia in Lima, recognized and was intrigued with Petersen’s broad interests and knowledge of geology and the use of mineral resources by ancient Peruvians, and he encouraged Petersen to publish his research. Petersen’s book is broadly appealing and useful to the specialist and non-specialist because it blends the archaeology, art history, biology, Colonial exploration, ethnohistory, geochemistry, geology, metallurgy, and the mining technology of ancient Perú. <...>
Under the auspices of the Ministerio de Fomento of Peru, Mr. R. E. Coker was engaged in making studies and collections of animals of the Peruvian coast with the intention of contributing to the knowledge of the aquatic resources of the country. In the course of this work numerous economic notes were made in relation to the animals obtained.
Under the auspices of the Ministerio de Fomento of Peru, Mr. R. E. Coker was engaged in making studies and collections of animals of the Peruvian coast with the intention of contributing to the knowledge of the aquatic resources of the country. In the course of this work numerous economic notes were made in relation to the animals obtained.
On the portion of the collection consisting of Mollusca, the authorities of Peru, through the intervention of Mr. Coker, have requested the writer to prepare a report.
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