Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Ковалев О.В., Сидоренко А.А., Сидоренко С.А.
Редактор(ы):Дмитриев П.Н.
Издание:Санкт-Петербургский горный университет, Санкт-Петербург, 2011 г., 21 стр., УДК: 622.272 (073)
Геология и основы горного дела

Приведены программа, методические указания и контрольные задания, контрольные вопросы для самопроверки уровня усвоения материала, предложен список рекомендуемой справочной литературы.
Предназначено для студентов заочной формы обучения специальности 150402 «Горные машины и оборудование».

ТематикаГорное дело, Общая геология
Выпуск 18
Автор(ы):Горшков Г.П.
Издание:Государственное издательство технико-теоретической литературы, Москва, 1958 г., 49 стр.
Научно-просветительная библиотека. Выпуск 18. Строение Земного шара

Предположим, что Вы получили многотомное собрание сочинений неизвестного вам писателя. Вы имели возможность прочесть лишь последнюю страницу последнего тома, а перед вами ставится задача рассказать о содержании остальных станиц всех томов. Задача неразрешимая <...>

ТематикаОбщая геология
Издание 9
Автор(ы):Carlson D.H., Hammersley L., Plummer C.C.
Издание:McGraw-Hill Book Company, 669 стр., ISBN: 978-0-07-336940-2
Physical geology. Earth revealed / Общая геология. Раскрывая Землю

One excellent reason is that it’s tried and true. Physical Geology: Earth Revealed is a classic in introductory geology classes that has evolved into a market-leading text read by thousands of students. Proportionately, geology instructors have relied on this text for over 5,000 courses to explain,  illustrate, and exemplify basic geologic concepts to both majors and nonmajors. Today, the 9th edition continues to provide contemporary perspectives that reflect current research, recent natural disasters, unmatched illustrations, and unparalleled learning aids. We have worked closely with  contributors, reviewers, and our editors to publish the most accurate and current text possible.  <...>

ТематикаОбщая геология
Выпуск 4
Автор(ы):Monroe J.S., Wicander R.
Издание:Brooks Cole, 2006 г., 769 стр., ISBN: 0-495-01021-9
The changing Earth. Exploring geology and evolution / Изменяющаяся Земля. Изучение геологии и эволюции

Earth is a dynamic planet that has changed continuously during its 4.6 billion years of existence. The size, shape, and geographic distribution of the continents and ocean basins have changed through time, as have the atmosphere and biota. We have become increasingly aware of how fragile our planet is and, more important, how interdependent all of its various systems are. We have learned that we cannot continually pollute our environment and that our natural resources are limited and, in most cases, nonrenewable. Furthermore, we are coming to realize how central geology is to our everyday lives. For these and other reasons, geology is one of the most important college or university courses a student can take <...>

ТематикаОбщая геология
Автор(ы):Малахов А.А.
Издание:Средне-Уральское книжное издательство, Свердловск, 1968 г., 332 стр.
Страницы каменной книги

Профессор доктор геологоминералогических наук Анатолий Алексеевич Малахов хорошо известен читателям как автор научно-популярных книг. Его книги издаются не только в нашей стране, но и за ее рубежами.

ТематикаОбщая геология
Автор(ы):Cockell C., Corfield R., Edwards N., Harris N.
Редактор(ы):Cockell C.
Издание:The Open University, 2007 г., 127 стр., ISBN: 978-0-7492-1905-5
Our dynamic planet. Book 2. Part 2 / Наша меняющаяся планета. Книга 2. Часть 2

In Chapter 4 you looked at plate tectonics and its influence on the climate and habitability of the Earth. In this chapter you will look at a specific aspect of this relationship, namely mountain building. Mountain ranges attract their own microclimates, which tend to be cooler and often wetter than the lowland areas that surround them.

It may strike you as odd that temperatures drop as altitudes increase; after all, the higher the altitude, the closer the Earth’s surface is to the Sun. This is primarily because direct solar radiation causes very little heating of the air; most heating is due to radiation reflected back from the Earth’s surface. Furthermore, air forced to rise by the presence of a mountain will expand and cool in response to the decreasing atmospheric pressure. Eventually, any water vapour in the air will condense. forming clouds and precipitation, which at high altitudes may fall as snow. Even at low latitudes, high mountains may be capped with snow or ice (Figure 5.1). <...>

ТематикаОбщая геология
Автор(ы):Carlson D.H., Hammersley L., Plummer C.C.
Издание:McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2010 г., 667 стр., ISBN: 978–0–07–337671–4
Pysical geology / Общая геология

Three decades ago, the first edition of Physical Geology by Plummer and McGeary was published. Twenty years later, Diane Carlson became a coauthor as David McGeary phased into retirement. Now, after ten more years, Lisa Hammersley joins the team for this, the 13th edition. As you may see from the brief biography at the end of this preface, Dr. Hammersley expands the diversity and expertise of the team of authors. The three authors were born and raised in Mexico (Plummer), northern Wisconsin (Carlson) and England (Hammersley). They have worked in geology in Alaska, Antarctica, Washington Cascades mountains, northeastern Washington, Idaho, Utah, Montana, on Ice Island T-3 in the Arctic Ocean, Mexico, the Andes (Peru and Ecuador), and California’s Sierra Nevada. <...>

ТематикаОбщая геология
Издание 11
Редактор(ы):Cronin V.S.
Издание:470 стр.
Laboratory manual in physical geology / Пособие по лабораторным занятиям по общей геологии

Laboratory Manual in Physical Geology is produced under the auspices of the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) and the National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT). For decades it has been the most widely adopted manual available for teaching laboratories in introductory geology and geoscience. This 11th edition is more user-friendly than ever, with an effective pedagogical format and many more teaching and learning options.

Издание 2
Автор(ы):Codrington S.
Издание:2021 г., 91 стр., ISBN: 978-0-6489937-1-1
Our planet’s geophysical hazards / Геофизические опасности нашей планеты

The term geophysical refers to the workings of the earth. This includes movements on the earth’s surface (crust) as well as beneath the surface. These movements can be hazardous for humans such as when earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. Earthquakes and volcanoes occur in the earth’s  lithosphere. This is the solid zone of rock on the earth, including the crust and the upper part of the mantle, that extends downwards from the earth’s surface to a depth of about 70 kilometres.

ТематикаВулканология, Общая геология
Автор(ы):Kusky T.M.
Издание:Facts On File. Inc, 2010 г., 916 стр., ISBN: 978-0-8160-7005-3
Encyclopedia of Earth and space science / Энциклопедия наук о Земле и космосе

Encyclopedia of Earth and Space Science is a twovolume reference intended to complement the material typically taught in high school Earth science and astronomy classes, and in introductory college geology, atmospheric sciences, and astrophysics courses. The substance reflects the fundamental concepts and principles that underlie the content standards for Earth and space science identified by the National Committee on science Education standards and Assessment of the National Research Council for grades 9–12.

ТематикаОбщая геология
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