Автор(ы):Unwin D.M.
Издание:PI Press, 2006 г., 351 стр., ISBN: 0-1346309-Х
The pterosaurs from deep time / Птерозавры из глубины времен

The dragon blinked in the fierce light of the sun as it emerged from the clouds and banked hard, its tremendous wings arching under the load. Reflected in a massive dark eye, the world below slowly tilted into view. Vast herds of dinosaurs were strung out across a dusty yellow-orange plain, occasionally gathered in knots where they had stopped to feed on patches of stunted vegetation. Then came marshes and— the dragon focused— a long, still, clear-blue lake.

Автор(ы):Paul G.S.
Издание:Princeton University Press, 2022 г., 184 стр., ISBN: 978-0691180175
The Princeton field guide to pterosaurs / Принстонский полевой справочник по птерозаврам

Pterosaur remains have been found by humans for millennia and may have helped form the basis for belief in mythical beasts, including winged dragons. In the prescientific West, the claim in the Genesis creation story that the planet and all life were formed just two or three thousand years before the great Egyptian pyramids were built hindered the scientific study of fossils. The discovery and subsequent detailed illustration of the virtually complete and articulated skull and skeleton of the small Pterodactylus found in fine-grained Lagerstätte sediments of Bavaria in the late 1700s began modern pterosaur paleozoology decades before the discovery of teeth and a few bones led to the recognition of land-bound dinosaurs in the 1820s. The strange pterodactyl skeleton posed a major problem for early science because it was still thought that major extinctions had not occurred. The creature had a hyperelongated single finger, which was radically different from the feathery airfoils of birds and also uite distinctive from the multifingered wings of bats. Nor did the very long, spike-toothed jaws belong to either group. <...>

Автор(ы):Nieuwland I., Veldmeijer A.J., Witton M.
Издание:Sidestone Press, Leiden, 2012 г., 136 стр., ISBN: 978-90-8890-093-8
Pterosaurs. Flying Contemporaries of the Dinosaurs / Птерозавры. Летающие современники динозавров

Pterosaurs (meaning ‘winged lizard’) were the first vertebrates to fly (figure 1) and are therefore often referred to as ‘flying reptiles’. However, like the dinosaurs, they are only remotely related to modern reptiles. For the same reason, it is not correct to refer to pterosaurs as ‘flying dinosaurs’.

Выпуск 3
Автор(ы):Аверьянов А.О., Попов Е.В.
Издание:Палеонтологический журнал, 2014 г., 4 стр., УДК: 568.182:551.763.333 (471.44)
Позвонок птерозавра из верхнего мела Саратовской области

Описан спинной позвонок птерозавра Azhdarchidae indet. из отложений рыбушкинской свиты (верхний мел, нижний кампан) местонахождения Белое Озеро в Саратовской области. На теле позвонка имеется гипапофиз. В основании невральной дуги имеется крупное отверстие пневматизации. Позвонок может принадлежать Volgadraco bogolubovi Averianov, Arkhangelskii et Pervushov, 2008, описанному из рыбушкинской свиты местонахождения Широкий Карамыш-2 в Саратовской области.

МеткиВерхний мел, Позвонок птерозавра, Птерозавр, Саратовская область
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