Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
Рассмотрены вопросы разведки и геолого-экономической оценки талькопроявлений и месторождений талька на различных этапах и стадиях изучения. Большое внимание обращено на минерально-сырьевую базу тальковой промышленности, на типы тальковых руд и генезис месторождений, а также на поисковые предпосылки и признаки, требования промышленности к качеству сырья и испытания сырья в различных отраслях промышленности. Изложены методы опробования и документации, обработки материалов
The National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Program was established in 1973 by the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) which later became the U. S. Energy Research and Development Administration (EKDA) and is now funded by the United States Department of Energy (DOE). The principal objectives of the NURE Program are as follows: 1. To complete a comprehensive assessment of the uranium reserves of the United States as rapidly as possible, 2. To identify areas favorable for uranium resources, and 3. To develop new and improved technologies. <...>
Работа посвящена актуальном проблеме колонкового бурения и отбору проб из разведочных скважин. Рассмотрены основные факторы, влияющие на качество керна, и объяснены причины его разрушения в процессе бурения. Изложены методика и техника отбора шлама при колонковом бурении. Предложены новые способы улавливания шлама при помощи скважинных гпдрониклопов п струйных аппаратов. Книга предназначена для специалистов геологоразведочных партий « экспедиций
Настоящий стандарт распространяется на руды и концентраты цветных металлов с попутным содержанием благородных металлов и устанавливает параметры и методы отбора и подготовки проб для определения содержания благородных металлов и влаги в процессе отгрузки или приемки руд и концентратов в качестве товарной продукции на горнометаллургическом предприятии <...>
Resource evaluation drilling is usually on a regular pattern; the pattern spacing should be optimised to maximise profit from mining, accounting for the cost of drilling and the value of additional information from increased density of drilling, and also to reduce risk in mined ore tonnes and grades to an acceptable level. Conditional simulation methods for determining optimum drilling spacing are more powerful than traditional methods, and simulation methods can take into account local variability in grade. Mining profit functions can consider profit and density of evaluation drilling so that profit can be maximised.
Detailed spatial models generated by conditional simulation provide a powerful tool for case-specific optimization of sampling designs. The entire process of sampling, estimation, and decision can be simulated on such a model by a Monte-Carlo approach. Optimization can be based on economic functions or on decision quality constraints rather than simple minimization of estimation variance.
A broad west-to-east increase of many metal concentrations has been found in stream sediments during a reconnaissance investigation conducted in conjunction with geologic studies in the Santa Renia Fields and Beaver Peak 7–1/2 minute quadrangles near the northern end of the Carlin trend of gold deposits in the Tuscarora Mountains. This regional increase in metal concentrations coincides with a dramatic change in landform wherein high concentrations of metals in stream sediments appear to correlate directly with areas of high elevations and steep slopes in the Beaver Peak quadrangle. Robust erosion combined with high flow rates in streams from these higher elevations are envisaged to have contributed significantly to increased metal concentrations in the stream sediments by an enhanced presence of minerals with high specific gravities and a correspondingly diminished presence of minerals with low specific gravities. Minerals with low specific gravities probably have been referentially flushed down stream because of high transporting capacities for sediment by streams in the Beaver Peak quadrangle. In addition, the Carlin trend, a generally northwest-alignment of gold deposits in the Santa Renia Fields quadrangle, is well outlined by arsenic concentrations that include a maximum of approximately 54 parts per million. Further, a weakly developed distal-to-proximal metal zonation towards these gold deposits appears to be defined respectively in plots showing distributions of thallium, arsenic, antimony, and zinc. A broad area of high metal concentrations—including sharply elevated abundances of Ag, As, Au, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, P, Sb, Sc, Te, V, and especially Zn—near the southeast corner of the Beaver Peak quadrangle primarily could be the result of stratiform mineralized rocks in the Ordovician Vinini Formation or Devonian Slaven Chert, or the result of a subsequent Mesozoic or Tertiary epigenetic overprint. <...>
Настоящий стандарт распространяется на эксплуатационную разведку россыпных месторождений золота цри подземном способе разработки и устанавливает параметры опробования, порядок отбора, обработки проб и геологической документации. <...>
Stream sediment geochemistry has been described as a very robust, successful mineral exploration technique and has proven to be effective even when sampling was poorly carried out (Fletcher, 1997). Much of its early success for discovering new mineral deposits in British Columbia can be traced to the pioneers of exploration geochemistry who recognized the ability of more mobile elements such as copper and zinc to concentrate in sediment from broad range of stream environments. This proved to be an advantage in the 1950’s when exploration focused primarily on the search for porphyry copper deposits. Sediment sampling techniques could afford to be less rigorous because formation of copper stream geochemical anomalies was less susceptible to the variations in sample site environment. However, it became apparent that geochemical surveys for gold and other heavy minerals needed more careful collection of sediment from a specific energy environment so that maximum anomaly contrast could be achieved. <...>
Известно, что полезен слепых и слабо-эродированных рудных тел и месторождений в настоящее премя представляют собой одну из наиболее актуальных проблем геологоразведочных работ, поскольку во многих рудных районах мира (особенно традиционных, давно освоенных горно-рудной промышленяостью), главным источником минерального сырья остается слепое я слабоэродированное оруденение. Для решения этой проблемы успешно развиваются работы по изучению и практическому применению в качестве критериев слепых я слабоэродированяых рудных тел и месторождений первичных геохимических ореолов.