Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
This study aims at further understanding of the mechanisms how lattice-preferred orientations (LPO) develop during deformation in the main eclogite minerals. Microstructures and textures of deformed eclogites from the Les Essarts complex (Western France) were investigated using optical microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) in the scanning electron microscope. Microfabric analyses of eclogite-facies minerals are used to identify their deformation mechanisms, which define the rheology at high-pressure metamorphic conditions. Mechanisms of intracrystalline deformation by dislocation movement (dislocation creep) result usually in a non-linear flow law (typically power law), while diffusive processes (diffusion creep) correspond to linear flow laws. General microstructural observations may suggest intracrystalline deformation (dislocation creep) of omphacite. The omphacite LPO vary between S- and L-type and correlate with oblate or prolate grain shape fabrics, respectively. Until now, these LPO types have not been understood by plasticity models based on dislocation glide on the known slip systems in clinopyroxene. An alternative interpretation is given in terms of anisotropic growth and dissolution, with grain boundary diffusion as the rate controlling process. There are further indications suggesting diffusion creep with concomitant anisotropic growth and dissolution as a main deformation mechanism in omphacite. In omphacite around a hollow garnet, crystallographic and shape fabrics align with the c[001] axes parallel to the grain elongations defining the mineral lineation, which rotates locally with the inferred flow direction. In this part, the grain sizes of omphacite and rutile are larger than in the surrounding matrix. The geometry of both the shape and crystallographic fabrics is interpreted to represent the local stress regime (directions and ratios of the principal stresses). The LPO of rutile duplicate the LPO of omphacite and a similar distinction between S- and L-type was used. Rutile deformation mechanisms probably involve dislocation creep as well as diffusion creep. Quartz mainly occurs as an interstitial phase with weak LPO patterns interpreted as random. No representative obliquity of the LPO in omphacite nor rutile with respect to foliation and lineation was observed to be used as potential shear sense criteria. However, the rutile LPO was slightly rotated relative to the omphacite LPO consistently in most samples. The results suggest that diffusion processes are strongly involved in the deformation of eclogites. A linear flow law should be taken into account in tectonic models where eclogites are incorporated.
Field, petrographic, microstructural and isotopic studies of mylonitic gneisses and associated pegmatites along the Hope Valley shear zone in southern Rhode Island indicate that late Palaeozoic deformation (c. 275 Ma)in this zone occurred at very high temperatures (>650 C). High-energy cuspate ⁄ lobate phase boundary microstructures, a predominance of equant to sub-equant grains with low internal lattice strain, and mixed phase distributions indicate that diffusion creep was an important and possibly predominant deformation mechanism. Field and petrographic evidence are consistent with the presence of an intergranular melt phase during deformation, some of which collected into syntectonic pegmatites. Rb ⁄ Sr isotopic analyses of tightly sampled pegmatites and wall rocks confirm that the pegmatites were derived as partial melts of the immediately adjacent, isotopically heterogeneous mylonitic gneisses. The presence of syntectonic interstitial melts is inferred to have permitted a switch from dislocation creep to melt-enhanced diffusion creep as the dominant mechanism in these relatively coarse-grained mylonitic gneisses (200–500 lm syn-deformational grain size). A switch to diffusion creep would lead to significant weakening, and may explain why the Hope Valley shear zone evolved into a major regional tectonic boundary. This work identifies conditions under which diffusion creep operates in naturally deformed granitic rocks and illuminates the deformation processes involved in the development of a tectonic boundary between two distinct Late Proterozoic (Avalonian)basement terranes.
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