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Автор(ы):Buslov M.M., Dmitrieva N.V., J. De Grave, Travin A.V., Zhimulev F.I.
Издание:Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2011 г., 15 стр.
Early–Middle Ordovician nappe tectonics of the junction between the Kokchetav HP-UHP metamorphic belt and the Stepnyak paleoisland arc

The North Kokchetav tectonic zone is located between the Kokchetav HP-UHP metamorphic belt and the Stepnyak zone of Ordovician island arc and oceanic complexes. The Kokchetav zone is a collage of nappes (thrust sheets) that consist of basement gneiss and sedimentary rocks of the Kokchetav microcontinent, granite gneiss, mica schists with eclogite blocks, the Shchuch’e ophiolite, Middle Proterozoic felsic volcanics, and Arenigian siliceous-terrigenous sediments with olistostromes. The latter are of gravity-sliding origin and their clastic material includes quartz-muscovite and quartz-garnet-muscovite schists, gneiss, dolomite, and amphibolite. The sheet boundaries are marked by mylonite and Early Ordovician mica schists (40Ar/39Ar ages of syntectonic muscovite are 489–469 Ma). The North Kokchetav collage of compositionally diverse thrust sheets can be interpreted as a collisional zone. According to geological evidence, tectonic activity in the zone lasted as late as the Middle Ordovician. Syncollisional thrusting in the North Kokchetav zone was coeval with the latest dynamic metamorphic event in the history of the Kokchetav belt. All events of retrograde metamorphism and exhumation of HP and UHP rocks in the belt have Cambrian ages, i.e., the rocks had been exhumed prior to the Early–Middle Ordovician collisions and the related orogeny.

ТематикаРегиональная геология
Метки40Ar/39Ar dating, Collision, Early Paleozoids of Kazakhstan, Exhumation, High-pressure rocks, Kokchetav metamorphic belt, North Kokchetav tectonic zone, Olistostrome, Thrust sheet, Кокчетавский метаморфический пояс, Коллизия, Олистостромы
Том 47, Выпуск 4
Автор(ы):Buslov M.M., Dobretsov N.L., Travin A.V., Zayachkovsky A.A., Zhimulev F.I.
Издание:Russian Geology and Geophysics, 2006 г., 17 стр., УДК: 551.24:552.48 (574)
Vendian-early ordovican geodynamic evolution and model for exhumation of ultrahigh- and high-pressure rocks from the Kokchetav subduction-collision zone (northern Kazakhstan)

The Kokchetav subduction-collision zone (KSCZ) hosting ultrahigh- and high-pressure (UHP-HP) rocks underwent the multistage Vendian-Early Ordovician geodynamic evolution. The subduction of the Paleoasian oceanic lithosphere bearing blocks of continental crust and the collision of the Kokchetav microcontinent with the Vendian-Cambrian island-arc system ultimately led to the formation and exhumation of UHP-HP rocks. In the Vendian-Early Cambrian the margin of the Kokchetav microcontinent deeply subsided into the subduction zone (150–200 km), which led to UHP-HP metamorphism (the maximum at about 535 Ma) and to partial melting of its rocks. In next stage (535–528 Ma), the generated acidic melts including blocks of UHP-HP rocks quickly, at a rate of 1 m/year, ascended to depths of 90 km for 1 Myr. During subsequent 5 Myr, the UHP-HP rocks ascending at a rate of 0.6–1 cm/year reached the base of the accretionary prism (depths of 60–30 km). Then, in the period from 528 to 500 Ma, the UHP-HP rocks ascended along the faulting structures of the lower crust as a result of jamming the subduction zone by the Kokchetav microcontinent. During the period from 500 to 480 Ma, the UHP-HP rocks became part of the upper crust. This process led to the KSCZ, which comprises terranes of the Vendian-Early Arenigian subduction zone occurring at different depths, separated by zones of garnet-mica and mica schists, blastomylonites and mylonites. In the same period there was a jump of subduction zone, which led to the formation of the Ordovician Stepnyak island arc. As a result of the Late Arenigian-Early Caradocian microcontinent-island arc collisions (480–460 Ma), the KSCZ overrided upon the fore-arc trough of the Stepnyak island arc to form a thick accretion-collision orogen, which having experienced anatectic melting was intruded by collisional granites of the Zerenda complex 460–440 Ma in age.

МеткиCollision, Diamond-coesite gneisses, Eclogites, Exhumation, Kokchetav microcontinent, Olistostromes, Over-thrusts, Subduction, Tectonic nappes, Кокчетав, Кокчетавский массив, Коллизия, Олистостромы, Эклогиты
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