Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
The gold deposit at La Josefina, in the Deseado Massif of Argentina, is a low-sulfidation epithermal deposit with some features of the intermediate sulfidation style; the Au occurs in quartz veins and hydrothermal breccias hosted by acid pyroclastic rocks produced by Jurassic bimodal volcanism. Exploration for this deposit type uses geochemical data for vectoring to mineralized rocks. Although a general suite of elements with anomalous concentrations around low-sulfidation deposits is known, that suite varies amongst individual deposits, which should be studied individually.
Porphyry Cu deposits in the Chilean and Argentinian central Andes occur in a series of orogen-parallel magmatic arcs, which migrated episodically eastward since the Early Cretaceous. The three Cenozoic belts, corresponding to Paleocene-early Eocene, middle Eocene-early Oligocene, and Miocene-early Pliocene epochs, cut obliquely across a composite belt of subeconomic porphyry Cu mineralization formed at several times during the Late Carboniferous to Triassic interval.
This report (the “Report”) was prepared for Lithium Americas Corp. (the “Company” or “LAC”) to document the methods and results of a Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resource Estimate on mineral claims held by the Company. The estimate applies to lithium and potassium contained in brine within the basin of the Olaroz and Cauchari Salars, two adjacent salt lakes in the Jujuy Province of northwestern Argentina. <...>
La presente obra planificada y diseñada por el Dr. Roberto Caminos reúne contribuciones de un gran número de especialistas en diferentes aspectos de la Geología Argentina. La edición de los distintos capítulos estuvo a su cargo, hasta que su temprano fallecimiento truncó la extraordinaria labor realizada. Un grupo de colegas del Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales trabajó desinteresadamente para llevar a buen término la edición final de los manuscritos que permitieron culminar con este nuevo tratado de Geología Argentina. <...>
The present reports pretends to show the evolution and closure of Mina Angela, a Au-Ag–Cu–Pb-Zn mine, located in the Chubut Province (Argentina). The description will be done in chronological way, as there are several dates that are very important, especially from the legal point of view. <...>
Con la aparición de] Tomo VII de fas /leías de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias empezamos una nueva serie de esta publicación, interrumpida durante varios años por razones age ñas a la voluntad del Instituto y debido principalmente a los reducidos recursos de su presupuesto, que no permitía la confección de obras ilustradas y de mayor extensión.
The Argentine Precordillera (“Precordillera”) is part of a larger terrane which is exotic to the western margin of Gondwana. This larger terrane is characterized by a Grenvillian-type basement and the presence of Laurentian carbonate-platform rocks of Cambrian–Ordovician age. The original position of the terrane is interpreted to be the Ouachita embayment of southeastern Laurentia.
Работа посвящена решению вопроса о современных аналогах нефтеобразующих палеобассейнов. Приведены общие сведения о биоразнообразии современных гипергалинных водоемов. Предпринята попытка отождествления акритарх нефтей и нефтематеринских пород с рецентными галофитами. Установлены особенности продуцирования органических веществ. Рассмотрены основные закономерности литогенеза в аридных зонах и диагенез органических веществ. Показано, что в процессах нефтегазообразования бактериальные процессы и экзотермическая деструкция концентрированных органических веществ имеют столь же важное значение, что и глубинный тепловой поток. На основании синхронности накопления эвапоритовых осадков и появления пресноводных видов приводятся зоогеографические признаки районов нефтеобразования. Указывается на перспективную нефтегазоносность шельфа Аргентины, юга и севера Бразилии, залива Карпентария (Австралия), Японского, Кораллового и Тасманова морей.
Книга предназначена для специалистов в области нефтяной геологии, геохимиков, палеонтологов, биологов, зоогеографов
The deformation mechanisms and controls that operate in the mylonite/ultramylonite transition are interpreted from microstructural observation. The investigated mylonites and ultramylonites were derived from a granitic protolith which was deformed under greenschist facies conditions, and in the presence of fluid, in a regional-scale shear zone from northwest Argentina. Several deformation mechanisms were recognized to operate simultaneously in different domains of the microstructure at each particular stage of the microstructural evolution. This continuously mobile deformation partitioning, present throughout the microstructural evolution, ceases abruptly in the ultramylonite stage, where a stable-state microstructure is achieved. Domainal quartz c-axis fabrics indicate that quartz deforms by crystal-plastic processes at the initial and intermediate stages of deformation, but solution-transfer processes become predominant in the ultramylonite stage. Plagio-clase is progressively transformed into muscovite through retrograde softening reactions. K-feldspar is progressively transformed into fine-grade aggregates via cataclastic flow and incipient recrystallization. Mica deforms by kinking and basal slip, with progressive development of fine-grained, morphologically oriented aggregates. Plagioclase disappearance as well as the development of intrafolial microfolds characterize the transition between the mylonitic and ultramylonitic domains. Disruption of these microfolds is interpreted to represent the ultimate control on the localization of the ultramylonite bands, с 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
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