The great classical tectcnicians, such as Suess, Argand and Wegener, att empted (0 und erstand. without the benefi t of the plate tecto nic theory. the workings of the Ea rth engine as a who le, and the part that deformation played in that who le. In my student days, I deri ved great pleasure and benefit from De Sitter's textbook on str uctural geology where the study of geo logical structures and major Earth structure received more or less equal rreatment. Since then, until relatively recently, there has been a tendency for str uctu ral geology to become more parochial and inward-looking, despite the enormous advances in understand ing that the plate tectonic revolutio n has brought abo ut. I have longfelt the need, therefo re, for a bo ok tha t would give students a tectonic overview in which geo logical structures and deformation could be seen in their context as byproducts of the plate tectonic system <...>