Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Hole M.J., LeMasurier W.E.
Издание:Springer-Verlag, 1994 г., 16 стр.
Tectonic controls on the geochemical composition of Cenozoic, mafic alkaline volcanic rocks from West Antarctica / Тектонический контроль за геохимическим составом кайнозойских щелочных вулканических пород основного состава Западной Антарктиды

Cenozoic, mafic alkaline volcanic rocks throughout West Antarctica (WA) occupy diverse tectonic environments. On the Antarctic Peninsula (AP), late Miocene Pleistocene (7 to < 1 Ma) alkaline basaltic rocks were erupted < 1 to 45 million years after subduction ceased along the Pacific margin of the AP. In Marie Byrd Land (MBL), by contrast, alkaline basaltic volcanism has been semi-continuous from 25-30 Ma to the present, and occurs in the West Antarctic rift system. Together, these Antarctic tectono-magmatic associations are analogous to the Basin and Range, Sierran, and Coast Range batholith provinces.

ТематикаВулканология, Геохимия
Редактор(ы):Dreschhoff G.A.M., Splettstoesser J.F.
Издание:American Geophysical Union, Washington, 1990 г., 211 стр.
Mineral resources potential of Antarctica / Потенциал минеральных ресурсов Антарктиды

The Antarctic Research Series: Statement of Objectives

The Mineral Resources of Gondwanaland

Toward a Quantitative Mineral Resource Assessment of Antarctica From a Gondwana Perspective

The Dufek Intrusion of Antarctica

The Economic Potential of the Dufek Complex

An Engineering Economic Evaluation of Mining in Antarctica: A Case Study of Platinum

Investigation of Mineralization in the South Shetland Islands, Gerlache Strait, and Anvers Island, Northern Antarctic Peninsula

Uranium Resource Evaluation in Antarctica

Geothermal Resources of Antarctica

Banded Iron Formations in East Antarctica

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
Автор(ы):Cassidy W.A., Fessler B., Schutt J.
Издание:LPI, 1993 г., 189 стр.
Antarctic meteorite location and mapping project / Проект по определению местоположения и картографированию антарктических метеоритов

This technical report is an update to LPI Technical Report 89-02 (Schutt eta/., 1989), which contained data and information that was current to May 1987. Since that time approximately 4000 new meteorites have been collected, mapped, and characterized, mainly from the numerous icefields in the Allan Hills-David Glacier region, from the Pecora Escarpment and Moulton Escarpment in the Thiel Mountains-Patuxent region, the Wisconsin Range region, and from the Beardmore region.

ТематикаРегиональная геология
Автор(ы):Михальский Е.В.
Издание:Москва, 2007 г., 45 стр.
Геология и эволюция земной коры Восточной Антарктиды в протерозое - раннем палеозое

Структура и история развития фундамента Восточноантарктической платформы, как и геологическая природа протерозойских и раннепалеозойских структурно-вещественных комплексов, вызывают значительный интерес исследователей, начиная с ранних рекогносцировочных работ 1950-х — начала 1960-х годов С тех пор эти вопросы являются предметом пристального изучения и острых дискуссий и составляют одну из ключевых проблем тектонического строения Антарктиды

ТематикаАвтореферат, Региональная геология, Стратиграфия
Автор(ы):Anderson J.B.
Издание:Cambridge University Press, 2010 г., 297 стр., ISBN: 0-521-59317-4
Antarctic marine geology / Геология антарктических морей

The fragile Antarctic environment consists of a closely linked system of the lithosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. Changes in this system have influenced global climate, oceanography and sea level for most of Cenozoic time. The geological history of this region therefore provides a special record of important interactions between the various components of the Earth System.

ТематикаРегиональная геология
Автор(ы):Faure G., Mensing T.M.
Издание:Springer, 2010 г., 831 стр., ISBN: 978-1-4020-8406-5
The Transantarctic mountains. Rocks, ice, meteorites and water / Трансантарктические горы. Горные породы, лёд, метеориты и вода

In spite of its remote location and its cold and stormy weather, Antarctica has attracted seal hunters, whalers, and scientists all of whom have contributed to the exploration of this continent. The names of these explorers are preserved by many of the topographic and geologic features of Antarctica, as well as by the names of its coastal areas and surrounding oceans.

ТематикаГеография, Региональная геология
Автор(ы):Herzfeld U.C.
Издание:Springer, 2004 г., 343 стр., ISBN: 978-3-642-62418-6
Atlas of Antarctica. Topographic maps from geostatistical analysis of satellite radar altimeter data / Атлас Антарктики. Топографическая карта по результатам геостатистического анализа спутниковой радарной высотной съемки

Although it is generally understood that the Antarctic Ice Sheet plays a critical role in the changing global system, there is to date still a lack of generally available information on the subject. Climatic change and the role of the polar areas are often discussed in the media.

ТематикаГеоинформационные системы, Геостатистика, Геодезия
Автор(ы):Зотиков И.А.
Издание:Научный мир, Москва, 2010 г., 148 стр., УДК: 551.32, ISBN: 978-5-91522-170-2
Антарктическое подледниковое озеро Восток. Гляциология, биология, планетология

Это первая в мире книга, посвященная истории открытия и исследования озера Восток, одного из крупнейших, лишь в несколько раз меньше Байкала, пресных озер Земли, расположенного под четырехкилометровой толщей льда в центральной Антарктиде. Открытие этого озера считается важнейшим географическим открытием второй половины XX века.

ТематикаЧетвертичная геология
МеткиАнтарктида, Гляциология, оз. Восток
Редактор(ы):Barker P.F., Brancolini G., Cooper A.K.
Издание:American Geophysical Union, 1995 г., 328 стр., ISBN: 0-87590-884-5
Geology and seismic stratigraphy of the antarctic margin / Геология и сейсмическая стратиграфия антарктической окраины

The Antarctic Ice Sheet has greatly affected global climate, sea level, ocean circulation, and southern hemisphere biota during Cenozoic times. Much of our understanding of the evolution of the ice sheet has been inferred from isotopic studies on distant deep-ocean sediments, because few Cenozoic rocks are exposed on the Antarctic continent. Yet, large differences occur between past ice volumes inferred from isotopic studies and those inferred from low-latitude sea-level variation.

ТематикаСейсморазведка, Региональная геология
Автор(ы):Howlett P.J.
Издание:The palaeontological association, London, 1990 г., 70 стр.
Late jurrasic-early cretaceous cephalopods of Eastern Alexander island, Antarctica / Позднеюрские-раннемеловые головоногие моллюски восточной части острова Александер, Антарктида

The Fossil Bluff Group of eastern Alexander Island was deposited in the fore-arc basin of an active magmatic arc, which formed the present-day Antarctic Peninsula. Cephalopods are common throughout the group. Ammonites and belemnites of several localities within the northern half of the outcrop are described, and previously described cephalopods are revised. Nine genera and seventeen species of ammonites (of which Raimondiceras alexandrensis and Blanfordiceras weaveri are new), and two genera and sixteen species of belemnites (including two new subgenera: Belemnopsis {Parabelemnopsis) and B. (Telobelemnopsis), and four new species: B. {Belemnopsis) launceloti, B. (T.) rymilli, B. (T.) bertrami and B. (T.) stephensoni) are described. This detailed study of the cephalopods indicates that the Fossil Bluff Group ranges in age from Kimmeridgian (late Jurassic) to at least Aptian (early Cretaceous), and enables seven ammonite biozones and three belemnite biozones (including two sub-biozones) to be erected within the group. By comparing this new biozonation with other Southern Hemisphere schemes, the positions of the stage boundaries within the succession can be recognized.

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