Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
The term rare earths denotes the group of 17 chemically similar metallic elements that includes scandium, yttrium, and the lanthanides (Spedding 1978; Connelly et al. 2005). The lanthanides are the series of elements with atomic numbers 57 to 71, all of which, except promethium, occur in nature. The rare-earth elements, being chemically similar to one another, invariably occur together in minerals and behave as a single chemical entity. Thus, the discovery of the rare earths themselves occurred over a period of nearly 160 years, from 1787 to 1941 (Szabadvary 1988; Weeks 1956).
The forms in which metals are found in the crust of the earth and as sea-bed deposits depend on their reactivity with their environment, particularly with oxygen, sulphur, and carbon dioxide. Gold and the platinum metals are found principally in the native or metallic form. Silver, copper, and mercury are found native, as well as in the form of sulphides, carbonates, and chlorides. The more reactive metals are always in compound form, such as the oxides and sulphides of iron and the oxides and silicates of aluminium and beryllium. The naturally occurring compounds are known as minerals, most of which have been given names according to their composition (e.g. galena—lead sulphide, PbS; sphalerite—zinc sulphide, ZnS; cassiterite—tin oxide, Sn02 ).
Reports of economic crises, investor anxiety and the impact of climate change al help paint a gloomy picture of the future. More optimistic predictions may be met with scorn and accused of lack of ‘reality.’ Nonetheless, one of the many lessons of history is that accurate factual data provides by far the best basis for discussion of future alternative paths of development, optimistic or otherwise (Raw Materials Database 2012). The objectives of this paper are to show: (1) that positive future trends related to mining and metals are evident (Ericsson and Hodge 2012); and (2) that a number of gloom-laden myths should be refuted
From ancient times to the present day, gold has been valued by humans. Egypt was the principal gold-producing country in ancient times. Coptos, the present Quft on the eastern side of the River Nile, was the chief town of the Nomos of Harawi and was once politically important. In the eleventh dynasty (2133e1991 BC) it was overshadowed by Thebes, 50 km to the south, which became the capital of the Middle Kingdom (2133 BC) of ancient Egypt, the present-day Luxor (Figure 1.1).
The Manual was prepared as part of a programme of the International Atomic Energy Agency to publish instruction manuals on a wide range of practical topics. Its purpose is to assist in the establishment of an analytical laboratory able to perform all the basic chemical and instrumental analyses commonly used in conjunction with uranium exploration and mining and ore processing activities, including the development of hydrometallurgical processes.
In 1963 the Chairman of Metallurgical Engineering at Queen’s University of Kingston, Ontario, Canada encouraged me to apply for a position in his department. This led to an appointment as an Assistant Professor of Metallurgical Engineering with a mandate to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Mineral Process Engineering. Graduating metallurgists take positions available to them in the mining industry and mill “metallurgists” were in strong demand. Discussions with industry-oriented colleagues at the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources (Mines Branch) and with senior operators and plant design personnel at conferences such as the Conference of Metallurgists provided details of jobs available Canada-wide. This helped to fortify course content.
В книге, представляющей первый специальный труд по данному вопросу, систематизированы все виды существующих методов измерения кусковатости на открытых и подземных горных разработках. Наряду с анализом сущности и степени точности, различных методов даны практические указания по их рациональному применению. Рассмотрен вопрос о характеристиках и критериях кусковатости. Обобщен большой исследовательский и экспериментальный материал, а также работы научно- методического характера по вопросам измерения и оценки кусковатости, проводившиеся автором почти 15 лет.
Книга предназначена для научно-исследовательских институтов и инженерно-технических работников горнодобывающей промышленности, а также может быть полезна для студентов старших курсов горных вузов, и факультетов.
Mineral processing is a branch of science and technology dealing with processing of natural and synthetic mineral materials as well as accompanying liquids, solutions and gases to provide them with desired properties. It is a part of technical sciences, although it contains elements originating from other fields of knowledge, especially natural sciences. Mineral processing is based on separation processes and is involved in performing and description of separations, as well as their analysis, evaluation, and comparison.