Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
In early August 2012, following failed wage negotiations and civil unrest, about three thousand striking platinum miners employed by Lonmin plc gathered on a hill close to the town of Marikana in the North West province of South Africa. Nine out of ten Lonmin miners were migrants, mainly from the Eastern Cape, who lived next to the mine in squalid shacks and informal settlements.1 During a confrontation on 16 August, police opened fre, wounding 78 miners and killing 34 others. Many of those killed and injured were shot in the back.
The Swaziland Supergroup in the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB) consists of a lower, predominantly volcanic sequence, the Onverwacht Group; a middle volcaniclastic and quartz-poor clastic succession, the Fig Tree Group; and an upper quartzose terrigenous unit, the Moodies Group.
This paper presents new petrological and geochronological data for the ~3.09-2.92 Ga Murchison Greenstone Belt (MGB), located in South Africa’s Kaapvaal Craton, and discusses their geotectonic implications. The MGB is made of three tectono-metamorphic units: the Silwana Amphibolites, the Murchison Unit and the La France Formation. They underwent contrasting clockwise pressure temperature-deformation (P-T-D) histories, and are separated from each other by relatively narrow, high strain shear zones, with a sinistral, transpressive top-to-the-south movement, consistent with the deformation patterns observed throughout the belt.
At Benfontein, near Kimberley, South Africa, three sills of kimberlite intrude Dwyka shales and overlying Karroo dolerite. Each sill results from numerous injections of kimberlitethat have consolidated to give the sill a layered appearance. Many layers - show magmatic sedimentation features and cumulus textures, and, although some show in situdifferentiation, other layers result from pre-injection differentiations The transporting, intercumulus liquid was carbonate-rich and some layers have differentiated to form a carbonate rock composed of the intercumulus calcite; this, on trace element and isotopic data, shows strong affinities with carbonatite. In one of the sills 'one calcite layer has migrated diapirically into overlying layers in.the sill. These sedimentation features, combined with thermal metamorphism of country-rock shales and the presence of quench calcite and apatite, are interpreted as evidence that the kimberlite was injected as a highly mobile fluid, comprising megacrysts of olivine, garnet, pyroxene, mica and picroilmenite in a hot carbonatitic liquid from which olivine, magnetic spinel, perov-skite, apatite, calcite, dolomite, ankerite and quartz crystallised. The evidence that the transportation medium was a warm carbonatitic liquid is directly opposed to earlier hypotheses proposing that kimberlite is intruded as a cold or plastic paste, and also supports proposals of a genetic link between kimberlite and carbonatite.
Книга виднейшего южноафриканского геолога А. дю Тойта «Геология Южной Африки» представляет классическую сводку, посвященную геологии Южно-Африканского Союза и сопредельных территорий.
В книге детально описывается геологическая история Южной Африки и характеризуется обстановка, определяющая размещение месторождений ряда полезных ископаемых, в частности золота, меди, алмазов, платины, олова и т. д.
Сведения, содержащиеся в книге дю Тойта, несомненно, будут полезны при поисках аналогичных месторождений полезных ископаемых и при. геологическом изучении аналогичных типов структур на территории Советского Союза.
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