Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
RESOURCES FOR THE FUTURE (RFF) is an independent nonprofit organization engaged in research and public education on natural resource and environmental issues. Its mission is to create and disseminate knowledge that helps people make better decisions about the conservation and use of their natural resources and the environment. RFF neither lobbies nor takes positions on current policy issues. Because the work of RFF focuses on how people make use of scarce resources, its primary research discipline is economics. However, its staff also includes social scientists from other fields, ecologists, environmental health scientists, meteorologists, and engineers. Staff members pursue a wide variety of interests, including forest economics, recycling, multiple use of public lands, the costs and benefits of pollution control, endangered species, energy and national security, hazardous waste policy, climate resources, and quantitative risk assessment. <...>
Изложены методы определения главных параметров и показателей карьеров, разрабатывающих комплексные месторождения. Предложены новые понятия и критерии, позволяющие повысить надежность и эффективность проектных решений. Приведены графоаналитические методы определения рационального направления развития горных работ, способов вскрытия, систем разработки, границ и производительности карьеров по всем видам комплексного сырья. Для инженерно-технических работников горно-добывающей промышленности.
Рассмотрены современное состояние и тенденции развития горнодобывающих отраслей промышленности в странах мира. Даны оценка минерально-сырьевой базы и анализ мирового рынка потребления минерального сырья. Описаны уникальные технологии разработки месторождений твердых полезных ископаемых. Приведены исторические факты создания и современные направления развития горной техники. Изложены новые научные подходы и мировой практический опыт природоохранной деятельности. Предоставлены современные методы выбора горного оборудования. Для специалистов в области горного дела, преподавателей и студентов профильных вузов, а также широкого круга читателей, интересующихся вопросами освоения недр.
Our combined experiences in the global minerals industry are the central source for the effective project management tactics and methods that we seek to convey within this book. We are forever indebted to the corporations who so generously employed us and to our colleagues who so patiently educated us over these past 50 years. This publication is a culmination of the wisdom we gleaned and gathered from so many others as we worked our way through almost 500 projects following our entry into the mining profession.
The Analyzing Development Issues (ADI) team and research participants express their gratitude to the Bunong indigenous people in the Mondulkiri villages of Gati and Pou Rapeth for sharing with us their experiences of interacting with the corporate mining companies in their midst. The researchers would also like to thank the local authorities and mining officials in Mondulkiri who cooperated in this study. Tien Hien Tang and Vaing Samrith from Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) assisted the fieldwork in Gati village in Keo Seima district.
Mining geology is a specialised area of applied geological sciences that historically evolved as a support for operating mines and for evaluating mining projects. The main objective of mining geology is to provide detailed geological information, and undertake technical and economic studies to evaluate a mining project. When mining commences, mine geologists provide geological support to the operation, ensuring cost effective extraction of the valuable minerals and their accurate separation from the waste rocks. In addition to detailed understanding of the geology of the mining project area, they also provide accurate estimation of the spatial distribution of the economically valuable minerals and quantitative estimation of the geological characteristics that control mining and processing methods and operational costs.<...>
Информационно-технический справочник по наилучшим доступным технологиям (далее — справочник НДТ) «Горнодобывающая промышленность. Общие процессы и методы» разработан на основании анализа распространенных в Российской Федерации и перспективных технологий, оборудования, сырья, других ресурсов с учетом климатических, экономических и социальных особенностей Российской Федерации.
The organization of this book follows the typical mining sequence that starts with the exploration phase aimed at delineating the mineral deposit and detailing its geology.
Geological objects can be singular, like the inverted cone-shaped diatreme of the El Teniente copper mine; more generally, they can be domains with given lithological, mineralogical, structural or alteration properties, which will be designated throughout this book under the name of ‘facies’, commonly used in geosciences. Within each facies, the metal grades have their own distribution and variability. This peculiarity will lead directly to the prediction or simulation of the grades (quantitative variables) taking into account the statistical and spatial characteristics of each facies (categorical variable).
We emphasize these four terms, which will be found throughout this book: prediction, simulation, quantitative variable and categorical variable <...>
In this book, management is defined as the process of generating plans and supervising their implementation. For a mineral resource, these plans relate to a strategy that determines how the resource is to be exploited. The process has two important aspects—one is the organizational setting within which it occurs, and the other is the set of techniques available for the analyses. Ideas in both areas have evolved rapidly in recent years and this book presents an authoritative review of the current state of the art.