Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке
The use of mineral resources has been fundamental to human activity: from housing to household goods, from industrial equipment to energy, and from high technology to space exploration, mining has provided the basics of life to the human race. The mining industry produces energy, metals, and minerals that are essential to economic prosperity and a better quality of life. As important as these benefits are, mining activity produces social and environmental impacts on communities, and requires a more responsible mining practice—it requires sustainable mine management.
The economics of the resources industry are unique. All mining is subject to uncertainties not applicable to other industries. Every mine is different. Industry economics are difficult to quantify and categorize. Information is very costly. In major mining countries, there is now a real dichotomy.
Mining capital is capital required to develop mines from exploration, feasibility studies, mine design, construction, and commissioning to operation; capital to refinance and modernize old mines; capital to purchase mining, processing, and related mine infrastructure equipment; and capital to acquire mines. The supply of commodities remains vital to the development of modern society.
Te mining sector is essential in the economic development of many resource rich African countries as it has the potential to fnance infrastructural developments which are much needed in Africa. Tis is due to the fact that various minerals are used as raw materials in different sectors including construction and transport. Most importantly, mineral materials also play an important role in industrialization and urbanization which are now rapidly escalating on the continent.
Mining and mineral industries information is broadly based, from exploration for ore deposits to processing and marketing the ores. In recent years mining has become continuously more international, and economic and political impacts of mineral industries are worldwide. Informed business decisions require both technical and management data, so both types of information are covered in this bibliography of information sources.
RESOURCES FOR THE FUTURE (RFF) is an independent nonprofit organization engaged in research and public education on natural resource and environmental issues. Its mission is to create and disseminate knowledge that helps people make better decisions about the conservation and use of their natural resources and the environment. RFF neither lobbies nor takes positions on current policy issues. Because the work of RFF focuses on how people make use of scarce resources, its primary research discipline is economics. However, its staff also includes social scientists from other fields, ecologists, environmental health scientists, meteorologists, and engineers. Staff members pursue a wide variety of interests, including forest economics, recycling, multiple use of public lands, the costs and benefits of pollution control, endangered species, energy and national security, hazardous waste policy, climate resources, and quantitative risk assessment. <...>
Изложены методы определения главных параметров и показателей карьеров, разрабатывающих комплексные месторождения. Предложены новые понятия и критерии, позволяющие повысить надежность и эффективность проектных решений. Приведены графоаналитические методы определения рационального направления развития горных работ, способов вскрытия, систем разработки, границ и производительности карьеров по всем видам комплексного сырья. Для инженерно-технических работников горно-добывающей промышленности.
Рассмотрены современное состояние и тенденции развития горнодобывающих отраслей промышленности в странах мира. Даны оценка минерально-сырьевой базы и анализ мирового рынка потребления минерального сырья. Описаны уникальные технологии разработки месторождений твердых полезных ископаемых. Приведены исторические факты создания и современные направления развития горной техники. Изложены новые научные подходы и мировой практический опыт природоохранной деятельности. Предоставлены современные методы выбора горного оборудования. Для специалистов в области горного дела, преподавателей и студентов профильных вузов, а также широкого круга читателей, интересующихся вопросами освоения недр.
Our combined experiences in the global minerals industry are the central source for the effective project management tactics and methods that we seek to convey within this book. We are forever indebted to the corporations who so generously employed us and to our colleagues who so patiently educated us over these past 50 years. This publication is a culmination of the wisdom we gleaned and gathered from so many others as we worked our way through almost 500 projects following our entry into the mining profession.