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Выпуск 22
Автор(ы):Hofstra A.H., Yigit O.
Издание:Journal Ore geology reviews, 2003 г., 24 стр.
Lithogeochemistry of Carlin-type gold mineralization in the Gold Bar district, Battle Mountain-Eureka trend, Nevada

The Gold Bar district contains five Carlin-type gold deposits and four resources for a combined gold endowment of 1.6 M oz [50 t]. The gold deposits are hosted in Devonian carbonate rocks below parautochthonous and allochthonous Paleozoic siliciclastic rocks emplaced during the Early Mississippian Antler orogeny. The district is in the Battle Mountain-Eureka trend, a long-lived structural feature that localized intrusions and ore deposits of different types and ages.

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
Автор(ы):Marino F.
Издание:University of Nevada, Reno, 2003 г., 27 стр.
Structural and mineralogical features of the deep post gold deposit, Northern Carlin Trend, Nevada







6. Stratigraphy

7. Structures




ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
Том 26, Выпуск 12
Автор(ы):Boden D.R., Henry C.D.
Издание:Journal Geology, 1998 г., 4 стр.
Eocene magmatism the heat source for Carlin-type gold deposits of northern Nevada

The origin of Carlin-type or sediment-hosted, disseminated gold deposits of the Great Basin, the major source of gold in the United States, is poorly understood. We propose that Eocene magmatism was the heat source that drove the hydrothermal systems that generated these deposits in the Carlin trend and Independence Mountains in northern Nevada. This interpretation is based on a strong spatial and temporal association of Eocene intrusive-volcanic centers with the gold deposits of this region. Our new work and published 40Ar/39Ar dates indicate that magmatism was particularly intense between 39 and 40 Ma throughout northeastern Nevada, especially in and around the area of gold deposits. Carlin-type deposits may have formed preferentially during Eocene magmatism because it was (1) more intense in the area than other magmatic episodes, (2) somehow compositionally distinct, or (3) accompanied by extension that promoted hydrothermal flow. However, large-scale extension does not appear to have been a factor in generating Carlin-type deposits.

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
Выпуск 98
Автор(ы):John Fortuna, Kesler S.E., Stenger D.P.
Издание:Economic geology, 2003 г., 12 стр.
Source of iron for sulfidation and gold deposition, Twin Creeks carlin-type deposit, Nevada

This study was undertaken to determine the source of iron in Comus Formation sedimentary rocks that were sulfidized during deposition of gold in the Megapit area of the Twin Creeks Carlin-type deposit. Sedimentary rocks in and near the Megapit contain ferroan dolomite, largely as overgrowths on iron-poor dolomite. Iron to form these overgrowths appears to have been released from mafic volcanic rocks that are interlayered with the sedimentary rocks. These igneous rocks have undergone two stages of hydrothermal alteration. The first stage involved formation of albite and iron-rich chlorite, possibly caused by interaction with seawater. The second stage involved destruction of the iron-rich chlorite by illite or sericite, which released iron to form ferroan dolomite in the sedimentary rocks. Comparisons show that transfer of iron from the igneous rocks to the sedimentary rocks can account for the present distributions of iron in these rocks. Relative to basalts, Comus Formation igneous rocks are enriched in iron and potassium. These results suggest that ferroan dolomite in sedimentary rocks is not solely a product of diagenetic processes and can form when iron is released from adjacent iron-bearing igneous rocks. Recognition of this additional mechanism for formation of ferroan dolomite expands the range of geologic settings that can be favorable for formation of gold deposits formed by sulfidation.

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Выпуск 97
Автор(ы):Campbell A.R., John A.Groff, Norman D.I.
Издание:Economic geology, 2002 г., 6 стр.
An evaluation of fluid inclusion microthermometric data for orpiment-realgar-calcite-barite-gold mineralization at the betze and carlin mines, Nevada

Carlin-type deposits contain gold in association with main-stage quartz-pyrite-kaolinite mineralization and late-stage orpiment-realgar-calcite-barite mineralization. Fluid characteristics for main-stage mineralization are well documented by fluid inclusion and stable isotope studies on quartz. In contrast, fluid characteristics for late-stage mineralization are not well constrained because of large ranges in fluid inclusion microthermo-metric data. These ranges could represent real variations in fluids or be a result of the reequilibration of fluid inclusions.

Microthermometric analyses were conducted on fluid inclusions in samples of barite, calcite, realgar, and or-piment from the Betze and Carlin mines, Nevada. Petrographic studies of individual crystals and cleaved sections reveal that fluid inclusions in realgar and barite have negative crystal shapes, in contrast to elongate and rounded inclusions in orpiment and calcite. Point-count data document that one-phase liquid inclusions (type 1) are the dominant type in barite and realgar, relative to two-phase, vapor-poor inclusions (type 2) in calcite and orpiment. Type 2 inclusions in realgar and barite commonly reequilibrate (e.g., stretch) during analysis and exhibit ranges in homogenization temperatures (Th) of 100º to 250ºC and 110º to 300ºC, respectively. In contrast, type 2 inclusions in orpiment and calcite have Th of 108º to 182ºC, which could be repeated to within 1ºC. Based on these results, fluid inclusions in barite and realgar are most susceptible to reequilibration, with Th of ~100º to 110ºC most representative. Fluid salinities for orpiment and calcite are 1.7 to 5.4 wt percent NaCl equiv, relative to 1.1 to 2.9 wt percent NaCl equiv for barite and realgar. The lower Th and salinity for fluid inclusions in barite and realgar suggest fluid cooling and dilution, following the deposition of paragenetically earlier orpiment and calcite.

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
МеткиCarlin type gold, Gold, Nevada, Аурипигмент-реальгар-кальцит-барит-золотая минерализация, Золото
Автор(ы):Davis D.A., John L. Muntean, Lisa Shevenell, Price J.G., Zehner R.
Издание:University of Nevada, Reno, 2011 г., 151 стр.
Nevada bureau of mines and geology special pubication MI-2010. The Nevada mineral industry 2010

This report highlights activities through 2010 in metals, industrial minerals, geothermal energy, and petroleum. Numerous graphs and charts are incorporated for rapid inspection of trends in production and price. The value of overall mineral and energy production in Nevada increased to an all-time high of $7.72 billion, up substantially from the previous high of $6.26 billion in 2008. Gold production experienced an increase to 5.3 million ounces in 2010, after more or less steadily decreasing from a high of 8.86 million ounces in 1998 to 5.0 million ounces in 2009. 2010 was the 22nd consecutive year with production in excess of 5.0 million ounces. Nevada led the nation in the production of gold, barite, and gypsum, and was the only state that produced magnesite, lithium, and the specialty clays, sepiolite and saponite. Other commodities mined and produced in Nevada in 2010, more or less in order of value, included copper, construction aggregate (sand, gravel, and crushed stone, including limestone and dolomite), silver, geothermal energy, petroleum, lime (produced from limestone and dolomite), cement (produced from limestone, clay, gypsum, and iron ore), silica (industrial sand), diatomite, clays, molybdenum, perlite, iron ore, dimension stone, salt, semiprecious gemstones (turquoise and opal), and mercury (as a byproduct of gold and silver processing). Locations of many of the sites mentioned in the text of this report are shown on NBMG map E-49, Nevada Active Mines and Energy Producers, which is available at www.nbmg.unr.edu/dox/e49.pdf.

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые, Экономика ГРР
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