Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

This Society of Economic Geologists Compilation contains more than one hundred years of classic papers on gold deposits in metamorphic terranes, most of which are now commonly referred to as orogenic gold deposits. These include numerous contributions published in more than a century of issues of Economic Geology, as well as others that first appeared in Society of Economic Geologists Guidebooks, Reviews Volumes, Special Publications, Economic Geology Monographs, SEG Newsletters, Meeting Extended Abstract Volumes, and Anniversary Volumes. Among the papers, there are detailed studies on deposits in all of the world’s important gold provinces located in Precambrian cratons and in Phanerozoic accretionary terranes. In addition, there are many timeless papers here that provide comprehensive descriptions of many key aspects of this group of lode gold ores. Papers from mainly the past decade on intrusion-related gold systems, many in the same general regions as the orogenic gold deposits, are also compiled here. The main contributions to the literature on the difficult to classify detachment-fault related gold lodes of the southwestern USA and adjacent Mexico are included within this compilation. The great Witwatersrand gold deposits in South Africa have been long-debated by many workers as to their detrital or hydrothermal origin, and most of the well-known papers documenting the controversy were published by the Society and are contained all together in this volume.

The compilation contains an extensive series of papers on Archean orogenic gold, with wide ranging groups of papers particularly on the Yilgarn craton of Western Australia and Superior Province of central Canada. The first in-depth descriptions of the Western Australian goldfields include studies by workers such as Lindgren (1906) and Gustafson and Miller (1937); more recent overviews are provided by Phillips (1986) and Groves (1989). Other work stresses structure (Campbell, 1958; Vearncombe et al., 1989; Durring et al., 2001; Weinberg et al., 2005) stable isotopes (Golding and Wilson, 1983; Phillips et al., 1986; Golding et al., 1989), radiogenic isotopes (Browning et al., 1987; Mueller et al., 1991), hydrothermal geochemistry and alteration reactions (Neall and Phillips, 1987; Clark et al., 1989; Palin and Xu, 2000; Evans et al., 2006), geochronology (Kent and McDougall, 1995; Mueller et al., 1996; Yeats et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2002; Salier et al., 2005; Baggot et al., 2005; McNaughton et al., 2005; Vielreicher et al., 2010), tectonics (Perring et al., 1989; Qiu and Groves, 1999), and geophysical exploration (Isles et al., 1989) within the Yilgarn goldfields. The literature on deposits of the Superior Province is exceptionally broad and detailed from 1912-1954, with important papers by Moore (1912), Hore (1913) Cooke (1919), Robinson (1923), Dougherty (1925, 1935), Bell (1931), Reid (1931), Bain (1933) Hurst (1935), Mather (1937), Bruce (1939), Derry (1939) Bateman (1940), Keys (1940), Moorhouse (1942), and Mills (1950, 1954). Morerecent key papers on Superior Province gold deposits include those on structure (Guha et al., 1983; Robert and Brown, 1986; Dube et al., 1989; Dube and Guha, 1992; Burrows et al., 1993; Gaboury et al., 2001), geochemistry and alteration (Robert and Brown, 1984; Kerrich and Watson, 1984; Kishida and Kerrich, 1987; Ames et al., 1991; Moritz and Crocket, 1991; Pan and Fleet, 1992), fluid inclusion characteristics (Smith et al., 1984; Robert and Kelley, 1987; Walsh et al., 1988; Guha et al., 1991; Boullier et al., 1998; Olivo and Williams-Jones, 2002), prospectivity (Hodgson and Troop, 1988), and geochronology (Marmont and Corfu, 1989; Kuhns et al., 1994; Couture et l., 1994; Anglin et al., 1996; Davis and Lin, 2003; Dube et al., 2004). Important overviews on gold metallogeny of much of the province include Card et al. (1989), Colvine (1989), Hodgson and Hamilton (1989), Burrows and Spooner (1989), Bateman et al. (2008), and Ispolatov et al. (2008).

Gold Ores in Metamorphic Terranes

Владелец инбокса: kaptar.j

This Society of Economic Geologists Compilation contains more than one hundred years of classic papers on gold deposits in metamorphic terranes, most of which are now commonly referred to as orogenic gold deposits. These include numerous contributions published in more than a century of issues of Economic Geology, as well as others that first appeared in Society of Economic Geologists Guidebooks, Reviews Volumes, Special Publications, Economic Geology Monographs, SEG Newsletters, Meeting Extended Abstract Volumes, and Anniversary Volumes. Among the papers, there are detailed studies on deposits in all of the world’s important gold provinces located in Precambrian cratons and in Phanerozoic accretionary terranes. In addition, there are many timeless papers here that provide comprehensive descriptions of many key aspects of this group of lode gold ores. Papers from mainly the past decade on intrusion-related gold systems, many in the same general regions as the orogenic gold deposits, are also compiled here. The main contributions to the literature on the difficult to classify detachment-fault related gold lodes of the southwestern USA and adjacent Mexico are included within this compilation. The great Witwatersrand gold deposits in South Africa have been long-debated by many workers as to their detrital or hydrothermal origin, and most of the well-known papers documenting the controversy were published by the Society and are contained all together in this volume.

The compilation contains an extensive series of papers on Archean orogenic gold, with wide ranging groups of papers particularly on the Yilgarn craton of Western Australia and Superior Province of central Canada. The first in-depth descriptions of the Western Australian goldfields include studies by workers such as Lindgren (1906) and Gustafson and Miller (1937); more recent overviews are provided by Phillips (1986) and Groves (1989). Other work stresses structure (Campbell, 1958; Vearncombe et al., 1989; Durring et al., 2001; Weinberg et al., 2005) stable isotopes (Golding and Wilson, 1983; Phillips et al., 1986; Golding et al., 1989), radiogenic isotopes (Browning et al., 1987; Mueller et al., 1991), hydrothermal geochemistry and alteration reactions (Neall and Phillips, 1987; Clark et al., 1989; Palin and Xu, 2000; Evans et al., 2006), geochronology (Kent and McDougall, 1995; Mueller et al., 1996; Yeats et al., 1999; Brown et al., 2002; Salier et al., 2005; Baggot et al., 2005; McNaughton et al., 2005; Vielreicher et al., 2010), tectonics (Perring et al., 1989; Qiu and Groves, 1999), and geophysical exploration (Isles et al., 1989) within the Yilgarn goldfields. The literature on deposits of the Superior Province is exceptionally broad and detailed from 1912-1954, with important papers by Moore (1912), Hore (1913) Cooke (1919), Robinson (1923), Dougherty (1925, 1935), Bell (1931), Reid (1931), Bain (1933) Hurst (1935), Mather (1937), Bruce (1939), Derry (1939) Bateman (1940), Keys (1940), Moorhouse (1942), and Mills (1950, 1954). Morerecent key papers on Superior Province gold deposits include those on structure (Guha et al., 1983; Robert and Brown, 1986; Dube et al., 1989; Dube and Guha, 1992; Burrows et al., 1993; Gaboury et al., 2001), geochemistry and alteration (Robert and Brown, 1984; Kerrich and Watson, 1984; Kishida and Kerrich, 1987; Ames et al., 1991; Moritz and Crocket, 1991; Pan and Fleet, 1992), fluid inclusion characteristics (Smith et al., 1984; Robert and Kelley, 1987; Walsh et al., 1988; Guha et al., 1991; Boullier et al., 1998; Olivo and Williams-Jones, 2002), prospectivity (Hodgson and Troop, 1988), and geochronology (Marmont and Corfu, 1989; Kuhns et al., 1994; Couture et l., 1994; Anglin et al., 1996; Davis and Lin, 2003; Dube et al., 2004). Important overviews on gold metallogeny of much of the province include Card et al. (1989), Colvine (1989), Hodgson and Hamilton (1989), Burrows and Spooner (1989), Bateman et al. (2008), and Ispolatov et al. (2008).

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Категория: Полезные ископаемые Метки: Gold,Золото,Метаморфические горные породы,Полезные ископаемые,