Добрый день, Коллеги. Важное сообщение, просьба принять участие. Музей Ферсмана ищет помощь для реставрационных работ в помещении. Подробности по ссылке

Автор(ы):Цветков В.Я.
Издание:Финансы и статистика, Москва, 1998 г., 288 стр., УДК: 681.518 (075.32), ISBN: 5-279-01812-0
Геоинформационные системы и технологии

Рассмотрены вопросы создания и применения геоинформационных систем (ГИС) для решения задач управления, бизнеса, мониторинга и др. Описаны особенности организации данных и их моделирования в этих системах. Даны характеристики основных инструментальных систем ГИС, предназначенных для организации прикладных геоинформационных систем. Приведены варианты решения практических задач в управлении, экологии, контроле, учете и т.д.
Для студентов вузов, учащихся колледжей, лицеев и других средних учебных заведений, а также для всех, интересующихся этой тематикой.

Издание:2024 г., 328 стр., УДК: 004, ISBN: 978-5-0064-1196-2
Макросы Datamine: Ресурсный геолог

Книга описывает базовые понятия программирования применительно к языку макросов Datamine. На основе реальных примеров объясняются разновидности алгоритмов, основы хорошего стиля и рассматриваются некоторые хитрости написания универсальных макросов. Книга ориентирована на геологов, работающих с Datamine и желающих увеличить свою продуктивность. Книга сопровождается большим количеством примеров и заданий, основанных на геологических задачах.

Издание:ESRI, 2008 г., 248 стр.
ArcGIS Desktop I: Getting Started with GIS / ArcGIS Desktop I: Знакомимся с ГИС

In this exercise, you will install the data that will be used throughout this course. The data is stored on a CD and will be copied to your hard drive by an automated install program. After installing the data, you will have the opportunity to create an ESRI Global Account, which will allow you to access all pages on the ESRI Support Center, a valuable online technical resource <...>

Автор(ы):Crosier S.
Издание:ESRI, 2004 г., 192 стр.
ArcGIS 9. Geocoding in ArcGIS

Geocoding is the process of assigning a location, usually in the form of coordinate values, to an address by comparing the descriptive location elements in the address to those present in the reference material. Addresses come in many forms, ranging from the common address format of house number followed by the street name and succeeding information to other location descriptions such as postal zone or census tract. In essence, an address includes any type of information that distinguishes a place.

This chapter begins by illustrating many of the applications of geocoding.

Next, a brief overview of the tools and software available with ESRI® ArcGIS® is given. Finally, tips on applying these tools to the geocoding process will be presented. <...>

Автор(ы):Herzfeld U.C.
Издание:Springer, 2004 г., 343 стр., ISBN: 978-3-642-62418-6
Atlas of Antarctica. Topographic maps from geostatistical analysis of satellite radar altimeter data / Атлас Антарктики. Топографическая карта по результатам геостатистического анализа спутниковой радарной высотной съемки

Although it is generally understood that the Antarctic Ice Sheet plays a critical role in the changing global system, there is to date still a lack of generally available information on the subject. Climatic change and the role of the polar areas are often discussed in the media.

Издание:EPFL Press, 2004 г., 228 стр., ISBN: 2-940222-02-9
Analysis and modeling of spatial environmental data / Анализ и моделирование пространственных данных окружающей среды (экология)

For the analysis of spatially distributed data, a fundamental aspect is first considered: can the data be interpolated, or are they of such a type that an interpolation between two values measured at different locations makes no sense?

Автор(ы):Welhan J.
Издание:Idaho Geological Survey, 2004 г., 48 стр.
Geostatistics and spatial modeling. Lecture notes / Геостатистика и пространственное моделирование. Лекционные заметки

An introduction to the description, analysis, and modeling of geospatial data and of the resulting uncertainty in the models. Theory and its correct application will be integrated with the use of various software tools (including GIS) and appropriate examples to emphasize the crossdisciplinary applicability of geostatistical analysis and modeling.

Том 2
Редактор(ы):Chambers R.L., Coburn T.C., Yarus J.M.
Издание:American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2006 г., 312 стр., ISBN: 0891817042
Stochastic modeling and geostatistics. Principles, methods and case studies. Volume 2 / Стохастическое моделирование и геостатистика. Принципы, методы и тематические исследования. Часть 2

Since publication of the first volume of Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics in 1994, there has been an explosion of interest and activity in geostatistical methods and spatial stochastic modeling techniques. Many of the computational algorithms and methodological approaches that were available then have greatly matured, and new, even better ones have come to the forefront. Advances in computing and increased focus on software commercialization have resulted in improved access to, and usability of, the available tools and techniques. Against this backdrop, Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics Volume II provides a much-needed update on this important technology. As in the case of the first volume, it largely focuses on applications and case studies from the petroleum and related fields, but it also contains an appropriate mix of the theory and methods developed throughout the past decade. Geologists, petroleum engineers, and other individuals working in the earth and environmental sciences will find Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics Volume II to be an important addition to their technical information resources.

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