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Alteration and primary geochemical dispersion associated with the Bulletin lode-gold deposit, Wiluna, Western Australia

Выпуск 63
Издание:Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 1998 г., 31 стр.
Alteration and primary geochemical dispersion associated with the Bulletin lode-gold deposit, Wiluna, Western Australia

The Bulletin lode-gold deposit is within the northernmost part of the Norseman-Wiluna greenstone belt in me Archaean Yilgarn Block, Western Australia. It is located within a brittle-ductile shear zone and hosted by tholeiitic metavolcanic rocks. Syn-metamorphic wallrock alteration envelops the gold mineralisation and is pervasive throughout the entire shear zone and extends up to 150 m into the undeformed wallrocks. Alteration is characterised by the sequence of distal chlorite-calcite, intermediate calcite-dolomite, outer proximal sericite and inner proximal dolomite-sericite zones. The thickness of the alteration envelope, and the occurrence of dolomite in the alteration sequence, can be used as a rough guide to the width, extent and grade of gold mineralisation, because a positive correlation exists between these variables. Mass transfer evaluations indicate that chemical changes related to the wallrock alteration are similar in all host rocks: in general, Ag, As, Au, Ba, C02, K, Rb, S, Sb, Те and W are enriched, Na and Y are depleted, and Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Se, V, Zn and Zr are immobile, while Ca, Si and Sr show only minor or negligible relative changes. The degree of mobility of each component increases with proximity to gold mineralisation. The largest potential exploration targets are possibly defined by regional As (>6 ppm) and Sb (>0.6 ppm) anomalies. These anomalies, if real, extend laterally for > 150 m from the mineralised shear zone into areas of apparently unaltered rocks. Anomalies defined by Те (> 10 ppb), W (>0.6 ppm), carbonation indices, local enrichment of Sb (>2.0 ppm) and As (>28 ppm), and potassic alteration indices also form significant exploration targets extending beyond the HJB shear zone and the Au anomaly (>6 ppb) and, locally, into apparently unaltered rock. Gold, itself, has a restricted dispersion, with an anomaly extending for 1-35 m from ore, and being restricted to within the shear zone itself. Amongst individual geochemical parameters, only As and Sb define significant, consistent and smooth trends (vectors) when laterally approaching the ore. However, the respective dimensions of individual geochenucal anomalies can be used as an extensive, though stepwise, vector towards ore

ТематикаПолезные ископаемые
МеткиAlteration, Archaean, Australia, Gold exploration, Mesothermal gold, Pathfinder element, Primary dispersion, Yilgarn, Австралия, Золото, Мезотермальные месторождения
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