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Pressure solution in sandstones: influence of clays and dependence on temperature and stress

Выпуск 280
Автор(ы):Gratier J.P, Ortoleva P., Renard F.
Издание:Journal Tectonophysics, 1997 г., 10 стр.
Pressure solution in sandstones: influence of clays and dependence on temperature and stress

The enhancement of dissolution of quartz under the influence of clays has been recognized in sandstones for many years. It is well known that a grain of quartz in contact with a clay flake dissolves faster than when in contact with another grain of quartz. This phenomenon promotes silica transfer during the diagenesis of sandstones and is responsible of deformation and porosity variations. Here we make an attempt to explain the process of this rock deformation using a pressure solution mechanism.

The model of water film diffusion assumes that matter is dissolved inside the contact between two grains. The resulting solutes are transported to the pore fluid through diffusion along an adsorbed water film. Between two micas, this trapped film is thicker than between two grains of quartz. As a consequence diffusion is easier and the rate of pressure solution faster.

Experiments on pressure solution show that diffusion controls the mechanism at great depth whereas a model based on natural mica indentation indicates that kinetics is the limiting process through the precipitation rate of quartz at low depth, thus temperature is a crucial parameter. There should be a transition between thermally controlled rate and diffusion limited evolution.

МеткиClay, Compaction, Diagenesis, Pressure solution, Sandstone, Глина, Диагенез, Песчаники
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