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Diachronous subduction to diamond- and coesite-facies conditions in the Kokchetav massif

Автор(ы):Daniela Rubatto, Dobretsov N.L., Jorg Hermann, Korsakov A.
Издание:22 стр.
Diachronous subduction to diamond- and coesite-facies conditions in the Kokchetav massif

The absolute and relative time of subduction of rocks is crucial information for subduction-exhumation models. We investigated the timing of subduction in one of the oldest ultra-high pressure (UHP) localities worldwide: the Kokchetav massif in Kazakhstan. SHRIMP ion microprobe dating of monazite from coesite-bearing micaschists of the Kulet unit indicates that subduction occurred between ~500-520 Ma. This new data provides evidence that the Kulet unit underwent UHP metamorphism 10-15 Ma later than the diamond-facies rocks in the nearby Kumdy-Kol unit. This time constrain excludes models that argue for a simultaneous evolution of coesite- and diamond-facies rocks, it suggest that subduction continued well after continental crust was involved, and that exhumation was not initiated by a single event such as slab break-off. The dynamic of this UHP massif also indicates that Cambrian tectonic was similar to that of recent orogenic belts.

ТематикаРегиональная геология
МеткиCoesite-facies, Diamond-facies, Диахронная субдукция, Кокчетавский массив
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