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Ore deposits as related to structural features / Рудные месторождения в зависимости от структурных особенностей
Geologists seldom agree on the relative importance of the several structural features that have localized ore in a given mining district. Such differing views are characteristic of a science in that stage of its growth when sufficient facts have not yet accumulated to test and clarify hypothesis. In most other sciences a worker can bring under his observation the body of data necessary to form and check hypothesis adequately.
The geologist whose material—ore bearing districts—is widely spaced over the earth's crust has a more difficult task. He can study only a few ore bearing districts in detail during a lifetime.
The Committee believed that it could fill a unique need by bringing together facts of structural feature and ore occurrence. Geologists who have had sustained and intimate contact with the ore occurrence in a mine or district were solicited for summary accounts of structural features as related to ore occurrence. The response showed a widespread interest and one deep enough to stimulate production of these data by more than sixty contributors. The Committee is indebted to these men for their labors.
The emphasis has been on description, on fact, rather than on theory. However these facts, as is true in any science, are salted by interpretation. The descriptions and opinions given by the contributors are their own. No attempt was made to force a common formula of treatment or a harmony that does not exist. The differences in viewpoint and emphasis present are regarded as a sign of healthy growth. Although many types of structural features and ore deposits are represented, no claim is made for completeness, and no endeavor was made to secure a weighted average of types of relationship.
If this book serves in small part to aid and stimulate further efforts to correlate structural features and ore occurrence, it will have fulfilled its purpose.