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CSA staff notice 43-302 - FAQs - NI 43-101 Standart of disclosure for mineral projects / Уведомление сотрудников CSA 43-302 - Часто задаваемые вопросы - NI 43-101 Стандарт раскрытия информации для проектов по добыче полезных ископаемых

Издание:Canadian Securities Administrators, 2003 г., 17 стр.
CSA staff notice 43-302 - FAQs - NI 43-101 Standart of disclosure for mineral projects / Уведомление сотрудников CSA 43-302 - Часто задаваемые вопросы - NI 43-101 Стандарт раскрытия информации для проектов по добыче полезных ископаемых

NI 43-101 is a rule that governs how issuers disclose scientific and technical information about their mineral projects to the public. To assist mining industry participants and their advisors in understanding and applying NI 43-101, we compiled a summary of questions and CSA staff responses (Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs) that was first published on October 19, 2001 and was revised on February 8, 2002. Attached to this notice is an update to the FAQs.

We update the summary of FAQs from time to time to assist in the interpretation and application of NI 43-101 as new issues arise. We continuously update this summary of FAQs rather than create supplemental summaries in order to retain one repository of interpretative guidance for the rule. We intend to publish another comprehensive update later this year.

ТематикаСтандарты, Полезные ископаемые
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