Kerch iron-ore basin. Mineralogy almanac / Керченский железорудный бассейн. Минералогический альманах

Выпуск 8
Автор(ы):Чуканов Н.В.
Редактор(ы):Пеков И.В.
Издание:Mineralogical almanac association ecost, Москва, 2005 г., 112 стр., ISBN: 5-900395-08-1
Kerch iron-ore basin. Mineralogy almanac / Керченский железорудный бассейн. Минералогический альманах

The issue contains the most comprehensive description of the Kerch iron- ore basin, including historical and geological sketches. Besides ore deposits some other geological phenomena of the region are described. Mineralogical decription of 160 mineral species is the main part of the volume, the most interesting minerals being characterized in details.

The author has been studing the Kerch mineralogy for more then 20 years and at present is one of the most knowledgeable experts of the region.

МеткиВосточный Крым, Керчь, Минералогия
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